Just the mention of her portrait puts Arthur years in the past, right to the very night the two shared. Arthur and Charles were very good friends. Its around this time Arthurs doubts of Dutch starts to grow. He was often quick to point out this poor habit and the foolish situations he got himself into, forcing Arthur, at one point, to save him from getting killed by an oncoming train after he gets his foot stuck in the tracks. Should Arthur have completed most of the debt missions, and depending on the his decisions in the last two, Arthur, who by this point has gained a higher sense of morality, confronts Strauss and kicks him out of the camp. Maybe there is something to his strangeness.. I never got to dance with Mary-Beth. Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. Arthur would help Sean when robbing a small cabin and when they set fire to the Gray Family's fields. Further adding that John doesn't like to talk about him. The gang eventually escapes with the money. Arthur's dislike of Micah grew when he inadvertently led him, Bill and Sean into a trap that led to Sean's death and took advantage of Hosea's death to get close to Dutch and have a greater influence on him. Sadie would succeed Arthur in helping John to start his family life by helping him earn money through bounty hunting. However, John is one of the gang members Arthur can play Poker with. She's clearly feeling the influence a little to heavily, so words are just flying out without second thought. Arthur jokingly tells her that none of them will live to see seven years but that he will find her a new mirror. But over time, things complicate. If you wanted a season two this is it. This shows that Arthur is protective of her. Arthur can tell her that if Micah keeps harassing her she just tell him and he will deal with it, showing that he looks out for her, especially when it involves Micah. She is the first to find and help Arthur after he escapes from Colm O'Driscoll and his men where he was tortured. Arthur follows Dutchs every command, even the oneshe doesnt necessarily agree with. He then asks Karen if she is okay, with her telling him she is fine. Furthermore, Arthur has an honour system and depending on the honor level, either low or high Honor, which is dictated by the player, Arthur will receive different dialogues from certain characters and will be treated differently by NPCs, too. Not only this, but Arthur can, on some missions, choose to help certain characters and/or make other decisions that will effect the outcome of their relationship. It is around this time that Dutch begins to negatively influence Eagle Flies to fight the U.S Army, to the worry of Arthur and his fellow gang member, and friend, Charles Smith. Later at camp Arthur can thank Charles once again, showing his deep appreciation. She's a good person in a bind with no one to turn to. Nonetheless, Arthur still sees Bill as a capable member of the gang and continued to bring him along on heists, such as when Uncle reveals he has a lead on a stagecoach, and the two often work surprisingly well together. Hosea can occasionally come up to Arthur and talk to him around camp. Arthur barges in and immediately knocks him out. Throughout the early parts of the story Dutch tells Arthur numerous times that he is "like a son" to him, and at one point tells him that he is more than that. I thought thats sweet, dont you?. They will ultimately succeed in this, however. With many camp members expressing concern over this. ArthurXAbigailXJohn love triangle. Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to John, as well as his satchel. Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. Initially, Arthur was antagonistic, and arguably cruel, towards Kieran because he had originally been an O'Driscoll at the time Arthur captured him. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. Press J to jump to the feed. Arthur and Javier have respect for each other and worked together to rescue John when he had gone missing. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. In reality, however, Arthur was thankful for Kieran saving his life. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. An accordion had just begun to play and they had begun to dance slowly. They both robbed a homestead and went fishing together, with Javier providing some tips and bait to help Arthur's fishing woes. Arthur met Mary at a young age whilst he rode with the Van der Linde gang. She maintained her friendship with John years later. Arthur takes a moment over his body, mourning the loss of his friend. Finally, a comment about her I can relate to. If you allow her, she will braid or do some fancy styles on them. She does love him, she just can't join his world anymore than he could join hers. Hosea adds on that they were "a curious couple with their unruly child." Or maybe its just myself I cant forgive I aint certain. I think people want to blame her for Arthur's apparent low self esteem but I think that is mostly a self depreciating sense of humor. Arthur respected Miss Grimshaw's authority. Luckily for her, woman of ill repute and dear friend Karen Jones has some not so lady-like advice for the naive, love-struck Mary-Beth. He would always remember the little things you mention, and would make sure to bring them to you when hes out. Arthur retorts that if he only cared about money he would be long gone. You look so beautiful like that! shed say once she finished doing your hair, adding a small flower as a final touch. Pearson is the one who arranges a parlay between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll after he has a run in with some of Colm's men, however, this inadvertently leads to Arthur being captured and tortured by Colm and his men, something Pearson repeatedly apologises for. When Arthur approaches her, Sadie will express to him angrily that she would kill every O'Driscoll to avenge her husband and herself. However, their last encounter is Arthur delivering his mortally wounded son after he chose to attack Cornwall's oil factory under Dutch's manipulation to compel him to do so. Nonetheless, Uncle respects Arthur's authority and if he is told to do something he will do it, albeit reluctantly and with only the occasional backchat. As the events of 1899 unfold, Dutch seems to view Arthur as something of an ace in the hole and relies on him more and more to get the gang out of increasingly difficult situations. What if Arthur stepped in to help raise Jack and take care of Abigail? Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. Arthur mentions Isaac when conversing with Rains Fall, telling him that the incident made him realize that he can't expect good things to happen to him with the life he led. He often played along with Hosea's shenanigans, such as the role of the "idiot brother" to "The Clown" played by Hosea when the two were giving away moonshine at the Saloon in Rhodes, albeit Arthur did so reluctantly, indicating that he and Hosea have done this before. Despite this, the two work well together and Arthur can have pleasant conversations with him around camp. She is sixteen and he must be twice that. Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. Arthur and Dutch enjoyed activities together such as going fishing, alongside Hosea, where the three shared anecdotes of how their lives were before the rest of the members joined. Eagle Flies admires Arthur's skills and ends up deciding to help him, after Arthur gets himself cornered, by causing an explosion in the distance, giving Arthur the chance to escape. Arthur noticed the sun was setting on the horizon, but despite the late hour, he was determined to make the evening last a bit longer. Summary: Mary Beth want to confess her feelings for you, but she's nervous. "Mary-Beth," he rumbles in reply, the depth of his voice thick with liquor and the cigarette he's nursing. He held Bill in slight contempt for his recklessness that led to Sean being killed. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. Arthur Morgan is a big brother; Van der Linde Daughter; Protective Arthur Morgan; swedish character; tuberculosis; Original Character Death(s) Summary There once was a young girl called Addie Andersson, whose father deeply desired a son. Summary: It reaches your ears that there in camp goes on a bet that you and Arthur will end up together. This shared view gave Arthur confidence to confide in Charles his views and illness. During Arthurs final confrontation with Micah, and the few remaining gang members, John unexpectedly appears and sides with Arthur, revealing Dutch left him to die. During a botched bank job in Saint Denis Lenny is shot and killed whilst the gang tries to escape across the rooftops. He will also occasionally come up to Arthur for a chat, often with the intent of being semi-friendly (although Micahinstead decides to taunt and Arthur by the time he has tuberculosis), but Arthur usually brushes him off and never wishes to talk to Micah. Arthur interacts with Mary-Beth, where the two share anecdotes of their past, before Miss Grimshaw comes up to Arthur to tell him that Tilly has gone missing. However, Arthur and Sean would banter over this incident. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. Drabble. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. Here she also admits to Arthur that, aside from her husband, Arthur is the best man she has ever known. Nonetheless, Arthur still respects him deeply because he keeps the camp fed, especially the women and children, and ultimately recognises the vital role he plays in keeping the gang going. Summary: Based on this request: Can I get one where Arthur reacts to hearing you sing at camp for the first time? He points out that had anyone else ran off like he did they wouldn't have been welcomed back, and further implies that he believes Dutch coddles him too much. It was her job to make sure the camp ran like clockwork. Abigail then gives Arthur the key to Dutchs chest that has all the money the gang has robbed throughout the story, surprising him. As a result, it's never shown just how much Arthur cares about Mary-Beth. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . He wondered how long she would keep his favor. She is respected enough by Arthur that he, as well as Bill and Lenny, were happy enough for her to come along on a bank job in Valentine where she showed she is a capable gunslinger by holding people up inside the bank and shooting at the law when the gang were escaping. Despite the significantly less money John accepts, with Arthur calling him a fool. Lost, confused and in need of supplies this band of late 19th century outlaws will do what they do best in this new foreign land: Survive. Despite their poor relationship, the two work well enough together to get a job done. Arthur goes to check on the cabin only to be surprised and held at gun point, however, Kieran saves his life by shooting the O'Driscoll first. His only notable encounter is having an argument with Sadie when she refuses to cut the vegetables for him, with Arthur intervening before a fight breaks out. Uncle, Arthur, Bill and Charles are soon pursued. The gang was able to barter with Bronte for the return of Jack, much to Abigail's relief who emotionally thanked Arthur and the others. If anything could have saved Arthur from his fate, it was Mary Linton. During certain points in the game, like Karen and Mary-Beth, Arthur can confide in Tilly that he's not always certain of his place in life and questions why he does the things he does. Once it becomes apparent that Arthur is sick, through his persistent coughing, Micah starts to regularly mock him and refers to him as "black lung". Early on, Arthur, alongside Javier, rescues John after he got lost and attacked by a pack of wolves that leaves John with his famous scars. The group she dominantly presided over were the girls, who she made sure were doing their chores. Arthur must prove whether he really is a redeemed man as he faces a choice between his old life and the new home he has made in 2021. Molly will tell Arthur that she broke her pocket mirror and is worried it will give her seven years bad luck. Same, the two dances I had were both with Karen. Furthermore, Trelawny acts as the middle man when the gang wants to send information to other members without being caught by the law. I got this for you when I was in town. His strong, naked torso was littered with faint scars and a few strange tattoos. However, Dutch is initially indecisiveon who to believe but ends up pointing his guns at Arthur and John. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. However, as he helps Rains Fall and aids in his attempts to settle disputes with his son, and the U.S. Army, he gains a lot of respect for him. Furthermore, Arthur reveals that he broke him out of prison because he cared for him, rather than for just Abigail's or Jack's sake. Still, after his wife's multiple miscarriages before the rising sun, poor man taught his daughter to . I, of course, wanted to make you shred Crazy Train, but decide to spare Arthur and the rest of the camp the mindfuck that would be the conversation explaining metal . tbh I woulda plowed the shit out of Karen if I was in the gang lmao. Prior to this Mary-Beth asked Pearson about Kieran having gone missing, but Arthur can interject and tell her that he will be fine, with Mary-Beth choosing to trust him. John would tell her of Arthur's death, as she would become sad as she thought he didn't have long enough and will allow John to have items, stating any friend of Arthur's is a friend of hers. Arthur would often engage in polite conversation with Strauss and would save him in Valentine when he, along with John, were held at gunpoint by Leviticus Cornwall's men. At camp Uncle can come up to Arthur to have random chats, normally ending with an insulting comment from Arthur. Miss Grimshaw is one of the camp members Arthur can play Poker with. He stood, going to his saddlebag, and retrieving an item before offering his hand to Mary-Beth. At camp Tilly is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. She touches her tongue to the fine droplets of wet blood that coat her lips and cheek; it tastes of earth and salt, like the faraway memory of sea spray. Eliza knew of Arthur's criminal background but had accepted any support Arthur offered to her and Isaac. Three years during which you couldnt stop thinking about him. At camp Lenny can play Five Finger Fillet and Poker with Arthur. They needed to talk. Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. Their ultimate goal is to go north with the Marstons, to find the bucolic stretches of Wisconsin where, rumor has it, there are lily farms. After getting the dynamite for an upcoming heist Arthur tells John that whatever happens during the robbery, and wherever Dutch goes, he will get him the money he needs and get out of this life. Work Search: Micah was initially aggressive towards her but Dutch and Arthur were able to calm her and take her back to camp. Tilly can request Arthur to find her a necklace and in return will give him a medicine. This greatly distresses Arthur and calls him a silly fool, however, Eagle Flies retorts that Arthur has saved him numerous times and him giving up his life in return is how it should be. Mary sends Arthur another letter with the ring he gave her a long time ago. And write with her heart, she did. Sean, the bastard thats dragged him along that evening, skips past him to sit in the booth behind her. So youre saying that, in the end, all Dutch needed was a little more time? ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Nonetheless, Arthur is slightly saddened for her death. Arthur pats him on the shoulder and tells him to leave with his blessing. Arthur and Dutch have a long history together, with Arthur seeing him as a mentor and a father figure who taught him the life of an outlaw and embraced Dutch's view of a life free from modern civilisation and its rules. Maybe if Strauss had waited a little longer to call in that debt and given Dutch more time to unravel before him, he would have retired and died an old man with his true love beside him. At camp Strauss never had random conversations with Arthur and instead would be seen working on his ledger or reading the paper at his tent. Congratulations, Abigail. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. John was deeply saddened by Arthur's death and thought about him a lot, but only referred to him as an "old friend" in conversations with people. Arthur was one of the first to welcome Sadie into the group and he would try to offer his condolences for what she has been through, with Sadie mostly pushing Arthur away. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. Their relationship is actually one of the best plot lines in RDR2. Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. Johns last words to Arthur are we're brother's, which Arthur responds by saying I know, I know.. Despite Micah's pleas for Dutch to come with him for the money, he turns and walks away abandoning both. He ultimately succumbs to his wounds and passes away. Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. When the group went to Valentine, with Arthur and Uncle, she was the only one not to get into any confrontations. Abigail opts to make the stew when Pearson gets sick. As the gang started to fall apart, due to Dutch's growing violence and paranoia, Arthur did all he could for Jack and his family to escape and live a free and safe life. Arthur grew close to Lenny after the two got drunk together in Valentine after Dutch tells him to show Lenny a good time. They also pulled jobs together, such as robbing the bank in Valentine and stealing a wagon full of weapons and explosives from the Lemoyne Raiders at Shady Belle, it was because of this job that the gang knew of Shady Belle and could use it as their next camping spot. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Believing that he owes it to Arthur to help John and his family, who Arthur gave up his life for. The first time he sees Abigail, shes sitting perched on a bright red vinyl booth seat dressed in cut-off shorts that are so short he can see the curve of her ass cheeks and wearing a cropped pink tee that proudly proclaims SAVE A HORSE, RIDE A COWBOY. But even that was proving to be complicated, for you didnt speak the language that the people did. "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. After the attack on Cornwall's oil factory Arthur offered to stay and help Charles move the Wapiti Tribe but he declined, stating that there are people that still need Arthurs help. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations .
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