Describe the general character of the social conditions within the nation in the aftermath of Reconstruction. Those who were not eligible for amnesty could appeal for a pardon. Grant also supported a series of legislative acts in 1871 to enhance the federal government's ability to use the military to stop acts of racial terrorism committed by the Ku Klux Klan, and in 1875 he signed a Civil Rights law that outlawed racial discrimination in public transportation and accommodations, and barred black exclusion from jury service. Saliency maps reveal directly how much a change in each input pixel would affect reconstruction loss, while each pixel's reconstruction error may be attributed to many input pixels when layers are fully connected. Stanton was suspended in August 1867 and replaced with Grant as an interim. Take sample from your personal experience. There were those who used their positions for exploitation. Which of the following describes the African American experience in the Reconstruction-Era South? Group A: Excerpts from the testimony of Maddie Curtis from Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, 1937, Group B: Excerpt from Rev. President Ulysses S. Grant had been elected partly because he seemed to show promise of strong executive leadership, but also because he was viewed in the afterglow of his wartime success. C04I!q^Q);i])G~H.HdRYBBYRi8,i 7P.,NPI Women still could not vote. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, which granted blacks born in the United States the same rights as white citizens, also became law (in April) over the president's objection. they became caught up in debt. Underline each complement and indicate what kind of complement each one is. The war devastated the Southern economy and population, leaving a lot of hard feelings towards the victorious North. What did the Black Codes indicate to the North? What did Johnson advise the southern states to do about the 14th amendment? 3 southern states votes came in with 2 sets of counts, 1 Dem, 1 Repub, so the vote went to the House of Representatives who decided Republicans. endstream endobj 419 0 obj <>stream Republicans regained a substantial number of voters who had previously been denied voting rights due to unproven war crimes. Why was the former Confederacy divided into military districts by the federal government? While this lesson will not provide answers for all of these questions, the hope is that it will point students in the direction of seeking out such answers with the documents and the interactive provided and formulating their own similar kinds of questions. WebDuring Reconstruction, three new amendments to the Constitution redefined freedom, citizenship, and democracy in the United States. WebEvaluating Reconstruction from Multiple Perspectives Introduction The 10 year period after the Civil War is known as the Reconstruction Era. The teacher may also wish to begin thinking about how the class is to be divided into small groups (3-5 is suggestedbut the teacher should judge the correct size based on the size of the class) as several of the activities in this lesson involve small group work. What was President Johnsons role in the period of Radical Reconstruction that took place in 1867 and 1868? Southern States had to approve the 13Amendment 2) Southern states had to nullify seceding from the union. >YpVE$r#]Y@ -7}bKfl[83 In that compromise, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won a tight race for the Presidency with just one electoral voteon the condition that all federal troops be removed from the South and a southern Democrat be named to his cabinet. He pushed for the establishment of the Department of Justice in 1870, which was tasked with investigating acts of violence against African Americans. Historically, scholars have defined Reconstruction as having lasted from 1865 (the end of the American Civil War) until 1877, when a political compromise between the Republican and Democrat parties allowed for Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become President of the United States on the condition that the last remaining federal troops in the South be removed. Weighted against growth in the North, the South fared poorer by all economic gauges. 2. Compare Allende's description of the contrast between rich and poor in Latin America with Gordimer's depiction of the contrast between rich and poor in Latin America with Gordimer's depiction of the narrator and Petrus in "Six Feet of the Country". Many went to work in the mills. In fact, African Americans took part in all the conventions and made up the majority of delegates in South Carolina. Which class in the New South had recovered political power from the carpetbaggers? How might a fact like this have affected opinions on questions such as civil rights, government contracts for major infrastructure improvements (such as railroads) and shaped views on questions such as education? Farmers would collude to drive up prices of certain crops. Equality at the ballot box would be a work in progress for decades to come. How did the Amnesty Act of 1872 change Southern politics? HUj@}WDn! Yes, two from Mississippi. How would you evaluate corruption in the Reconstruction legislatures? Upon completing this lesson, students will begin to see the ways in which a political and constitutional crisis emboldened some lasting divisions within American society and, perhaps what is more important, the ways in which the crisis forged a new path for a stronger and more perfect Union. These conditions made it quite difficult for the Republican Party to get much of a foothold in the South among any except black voters and those who had relocated from the North. Return to slavery in a different way. RZhC a form of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land, formally known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, was established in 1865 by Congress to help millions of former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War. Chapter 16 Would he or she feel anger over, anything? The Amnesty Act of 1872 completely flipped the script on Southern politics and halted the progress being made by Reconstruction efforts. WebList the groups in chronological order that ran and controlled the Reconstruction process in the US Government. Enough Republican senators appreciated the fact that Johnson's offenses were political and that they did not fall under the high crimes and misdemeanors specified in the Constitution for presidential impeachment. The first federal immigration restrictions were passed during this time. Following the presentations, the teacher may also wish to lead the class in a discussion of the methodology of this activity, asking students to examine the ways in which maps, pictures, and original documents expanded their understanding of the topic. Reconstruction Segregation was legal, as long as the notion of separate but equal was being followed. For this activity, the students will use the interactive maps [temporarily located at] as well as the documents specified below that can be found in the Text Document for Activity 1. By allowing the former Confederates to reenter the political arena, Republicans faced an uphill battle against the surge in Democratic support and voter-suppression tactics aimed at Republicans and African Americans. Georgia, along with Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia, had to satisfy an additional condition: ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited the states from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Many Native American tribes were stripped of their lands, moved onto reservations, forced into an assimilation program not of their choosing, and in some cases massacred by settlers and/or the U.S. Army. Congress established a joint committee to review Reconstruction policy and set further conditions for readmitting states. Grandfather clauses gave citizens the right to vote if their grandfathers had been able to vote in elections prior to Reconstruction. Identify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations. Microbiology CH9 Genetic Change and Genome Ev. (.EVDY(*BAwz{}}$awd$J7 IBFQ` Segregation laws would sunset and have to be repealed within the next 20 years. Grant was nearly universally revered by the time of his death in 1885. The teacher may wish to review these documents so as to be able to explain any difficult vocabulary or unfamiliar vernacular. In parallel, the "Lost Cause" narrative of the Civil War argued that the Confederacy had been justified in its effort to secede from the Union and that Reconstruction had been a mistake. Johnson deliberately removed himself from the decisions involving Reconstruction. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. No. e17bZVXrKW@]snp/bAb Ff# 4} GoBEeNoh,:XDlU@? 1&f<6a&wX5:(mIt%`}o"0`PVi>r#7e^2F+Y{\p^W While not generally used today, it was accepted usage (by both black and white writers) during this period and it is part of the historical record. A bill was introduced in February 1866 to reauthorize the oneyearold Freedmen's Bureau and allow it to try in military courts persons accused of depriving former slaves of their rights. However, what gains were made in the realm of civil rights were under assault by the time Grant died and almost completely destroyed by the turn of the century. In part, Grants administration suffered because of some real and some exaggerated charges of corruptionmost of which did not directly involve Grant but tarnished him nonetheless. After completing both sections of the worksheet, the group should discuss what they have learned about their topic through the interactive and the document. A particle moves along a straight line with the equation x = 16t + 4t2-3t3 where x is the distance in ft and t is the time in second. 0 The teacher should divide the class into four small groups. In addition to reviewing the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, each group will be assigned to cover one additional (but short) document and make a presentation to the class summarizing the views presented in it. The sharecropping model left many tenant farmers in such dire straits that it was nearly impossible to break free from their economic shackles. At the end of this lesson, each student should demonstrate his or her proficiency by doing one of the following: 1. There were also a number of members in Congress who were involved in the Crdit Mobilier scandal, which involved the Union Pacific Railroad and federal contracts for the first Transcontinental Railroad. Johnson and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton were bitter enemies, and the president wanted to get rid of him. Select all that apply. Howdid the Thirteenth Amendment changethe Constitution? HWn}W*(5X,lvLvv}X[ZKq>yFNIQ:UNWOo+S.~/\N($B;f %QI`MVy*|UrS=/4t4_&y^F?7KH84ZxGIUl~&=$wZ]mI_}?cIt4.#9r{s~zn|'nDD DqPz7.|f@(F_k~mz\(J( ,l=70$(yAbs[ki i l}QXvf;;4f74x4B3G3=!7.W X5Xz4]?w/ %Q:!^M_}8z:K H?Ce[U|.CKu@CY) iw#7PY7WP$|WPUqAr5vVK]tok*Dx|MX:-!O Jo#=j8u>rRt\?n! ~.Mgq1JwPD_8 sgA4DY_.kYTP@FuU;zvbEFX=1 S$&5blu1X3=y\W]lh 5f+tY[SU%-6+VZX]r6_>:@ t QYoySE"6=sPoa'&vxgO,q2@pYb: S,d.b9Ij?z/pT0,8[Bx53;IGbxfBQcNx;sLWcw1s}(5_1TJz0O#FNl7DysZjEnjN0_k!d.vT&_AfjwGlEPC|aVK=:+JG}gg] @@ovkV\Uv(%xR\V&%9 cn_n@:/X4m4dIo1i`m[q}+ql4w A time of rebuilding the South after the Civil War to resolve the South's problems and bring it back into the Union. Once each convention's elections were held for governor, state legislators, and members of Congress, the states would be readmitted to the Union. ]~ys6i`>lp=xY9'X\eQS%'#H 'Id~ti+i0q>?5 xL*m18&) B:17R#Y#>\ Workers would be given a modest home, supplies, and a small portion of land to farm for personal use in exchange for also farming the landowners land. Reconstruction plan Flashcards | Quizlet The Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed African Americans in evaluating the reconstruction Flashcards | Quizlet In preparation for teaching this lesson, the teacher should review the entire lesson plan, including introductory background information. On September 111, 193919391939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. hbbd``b`"|c4`@@Hd100Kg0` What were the provisions of the first Reconstruction Act? It is the year 1877 and, in the wake of the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, Union troops finally have been recalled from the South. y@bi(^k^izu#(fN@)Z4x[wN)Gd\JvWma:M;:*BL5;Sh`2lM^YQ2k(!W7.W)J0>krA"eXk+n R/B.zuu7' ]apJ|_wv^k| +^|B`:H$wlEnT*8@0vX{[rm6FoN,iE?FF/mh@u'Q{$]pJn07a8Y9U-A/, S7GYjkQUKC2"qxLa=23P21 |0Cm)r PS)et%.H e' [c5vk~a5T?, P[oFVB-"X7/S{+} 2b(RG,}ti\ one of the closest races in American history. While it could be used in a derogatory way, it did notin every casesuggest racist attitudes or carry the stigma that it does today. The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy. and any corresponding bookmarks? After 10% of a states voters signed a loyalty oath to the Union and the Constitution and abolished slavery, it could hold elections and vote and would be granted a full pardon and readmitted to the Union. Evaluating Reconstruction - Central/Southern Tier RAEN How did the results of Reconstruction policy shape the politics of the reconstructed states and the nation at large? And Black Americans continued to face acts of organized intimidation, mob violence, and murder because of their race. that he violated the Tenure of Office Act--by firing Sec of War Stanton. When the groups have completed their worksheets and concluded their discussion, the teacher, as Committee chairman, should lead the groups in brief presentations to the class (the Congressional Committee) highlighting their findings. The new state legislatures adopted socalled black codes to keep the newly freed African Americans, or freedmen, in their place.
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