Hennink, W.E. These values indicate for dextrans in dilute aqueous solution, both methods give very similar results of the intrinsic viscosity and the respective Mw. Figure4 shows the histological analysis of micropores in human cadaver skin. Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38-70. dextran hydrodynamic radius. Dextran produced from Weissella cibaria JAG8 was purified and characterized. ; Ghosh, T.K. Static and Dynamic Light-Scattering Solution Behavior of Pullulan and Dextran in Comparison. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Rheology of dextran solutions. The Mark-Houwink a constant is close to 0.5 in poor solvents. Synthesis of dextran by dextransucrase treated, sucrose-supplemented skimmed milk revealed the promising potential of dextran as a food additive. Pavlov, G.M. Analyzing the values of the hydrodynamic properties of dextran in aqueous solution, it can be seen in Table 7, that all vary with the temperature. WebThis value is sensible given that i j = 0 and that the search radius of the clustering algorithm is slightly larger than the average segment length of our Dextran model (b 5.5 nm). (1954). 4h after microporation, the sizes of the micropore decreased slightly. A solvent at this temperature is called a theta solvent [53]. TEWL measurements were taken 30min after microporation of the human and pig skin. 4K and M.W. Advances in Cosmetic Surgery. An undergraduate physical chemistry experiment. These structural differences can significantly affect FITC-dextran delivery due to even after microporation [30]. Saudi Pharm J. Dilute solution properties and degree of chain branching for dextran. Based on these results a difference of approximately 1015% between the amounts of drugs permeated through the human skin and pig skin models should be considered during human clinical trials. Dextran; Weissella cibaria; exopolysaccharide; prebiotic; skimmed milk. Pharm Res. Guner, Ali (1999). With FITC-dextran 20 K, cumulative (2013). When applied to adherent cell cultures, the APGD-t is capable of inducing temporary cell permeabilization. Journal of Controlled Release, 119, 5-24. The calculation of Mark-Houwink parameters is carried out by the graphic representation of the following equation: where kMH (cm3/g) and a are Mark-Houwink constants, depending on the type of polymer, solvent, and temperature of intrinsic viscosity determinations [46]. Advances in chemistry series Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., pp. Springer Nature. In this work, we evaluate the maximum radius of macromolecules able to enter into HeLa cells following a plasma treatment using a size exclusion approach with dextran molecules. (more or less, with a hydrodynamic radius of less than 100 nm) to cross from the vasculature into the interstitium. These studies were carried out at the Hisko (Gunpo, Korea). The skin poration was performed using the microporation device (LG electronics, Korea). The value of qM-H varies from one sample to another one, because it is a function of a and the average molecular weights (Mv, Mw). Nair SS. FITC-dextran solution (600L) was added to the donor chamber. In this sense, the largest deviations were obtained for the highest molecular weight (580-2000kDa with values from 0.8467 to 0.7346). The Mark-Houwink exponent bears the signature of a three-dimensional configuration of a polymer chain in the solvent environment. Molecular weight (Mv) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. The molecular weight of dextran samples can be obtained by a variety of methods including light scattering, HPLC/SEC, sedimentation, osmometry and end-group analysis. Biomater Res 24, 22 (2020). The enhanced permeability through micropores was confirmed by Franz diffusion cell. Table 2 shows that comparing the intrinsic viscosity data obtained from the Huggins method and the Solomon-Ciuta single-point method, a similar values are obtained and the %RE is lower for low Mw and it increases for higher Mw. WebFITC Products. At the same temperature, the hydrodynamic radius and the intrinsic viscosity are higher for different molecular weights, while these properties decrease with an increase of temperature at the same molecular weight (Figure 1). ; De Jong, S.J. TdB Labs produce a wide range of FITC-derivatives (490 nm/520 nm) with a mean molecular weight ranging from 4 kDa to 2000 kDa. The lack of data on the uniformity of intrinsic viscosity measurements in the system water/dextran, highlights the significant influence of the solvent and temperature [74]. We believe that the microporation device can be used as a potential technique for effective transdermal drug delivery. WebHydrodyamic Radius, R H: In addition to the analytic size of a linear (C=1) chain, the end to end distance, R eted or R 0, and the structural size, the radius or gyration, R g, dynamic measurements yield a size called the hydrodynamic radius, R H. Consider a rod particle of length L=10R where R is the radius. Webprotein hydrodynamic radius was observed with increasing protein concentration (in the range 0.25-2 mM) in both the absence and presence of 8 M urea. Our portfolio includes for example derivatives of dextran, polysucrose, inulin and more. Keywords: The value of P increases from 1.0272 to 1.2694 (spherical shape with tendency to spheroid for high Mw). Bookshelf For 40 kDa molecules, the hydrodynamic diameter d h ~8 nm is much smaller than the collagen mesh size [33,41]. Dextrans and their derivatives find an interest in clinical applications, as well as excipients in tablets in the pharmaceutical industry [5]. The molecular weight and Simha number do not change in this temperature range (Mw from 8.8-200kDa), P slightly change, showing modifications in the hydrodynamic properties of the biopolymer in aqueous solution as [] and RH. A lot of research has been devoted to dextrans modification in order to describe special characteristics relevant to specific applications such as surfactants [16], as visible marker [17], polysaccharides-based nanoparticles, covalent crosslinking [18], ionic crosslinking, polyelectrolyte complex, and the self-assembly of hydrophobically modified polysaccharides, and hydrophilic modified polysaccharides [19]. Barrier integrity was examined using Tewameter to confirm the poration of human cadaver skin using a microporation device. Various average molecular weights (Mv, Mn, Mw, and Mz) instead of Mv were substituted in M-H equation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 39, 377-380. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Kasaai, Mohammad R. (2007). The numerical value of a indicates that dextrans acquire the shape of a rigid sphere in aqueous solution; and kM-H demonstrates that under water the value decreases with temperature [71, 72]. It is a measure of the width of molecular weight distributions (MWD) as well as probability of molecular weight distribution curve (GPC). A single frequency laser is directed to the sample contained in a cuvette. Web54 we estimated that the hydrodynamic radii of 3-5 kDa dextran, 20 kDa dextran, and 70 kDa dextran are 2 55 nm, 5 nm, and 6 nm, respectively. Viscosity, sedimentation, and light-scattering properties of fraction of an acidhydrolyzed dextran. Thus, it is accepted that, for every flexible-chain polymer in a (ideal) solvent, there is a universal value of 0 = 2.1-2.5x1023mol-1 [52]. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation. Physicochemical studies of oligodextran. Analytes and stationary phase with Universal Calibration Relative Measurement Concentration and MW detector: RI + Viscometer Relationship between hydrodynamic volume (MW*intrinsic viscosity) and elution volume Multiple detection A novel correlation for protein diffusion coefficients based on molecular weight on radius of gyration. Deng H, Konopka CJ, Prabhu S, Sarkar S, Medina NG, Fayyaz M, Arogundade OH, Vidana Gamage HE, Shahoei SH, Nall D, Youn Y, Dobrucka IT, Audu CO, Joshi A, Melvin WJ, Gallagher KA, Selvin PR, Nelson ER, Dobrucki LW, Swanson KS, Smith AM. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Google Scholar. Macromolecules, 29, 2265-2268. ; Garca de , J. It has been found that, when applied to water treatment, it can effectively act on refractory organic matter in wastewater through thermal decomposition and water molecular action to produce free These vibrations heat the skin tissue, triggering water vapor and cell ablation, forming microchannels from the SC through to the outer dermis. Gold MH, Biron JA. (1937). Food Funct. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27, 795-810. 2012;87(6):1728. The Transdermal diffusion cell system (DHC-6TD, LOGAN instrument, USA) was used to assess FITC-dextran permeability in vitro. The increased TEWL values which were proportional to the number of microspores indicate SC disruption and formation of microchannels in the skin. Using the polymer standards, a plot of the ln [] vs ln Mw usually gives a straight line. The site is secure. These results are in agreement with a previous study which suggested that the microporation using radiofrequency causes disruption of the SC, enabling the percutaneous permeation of the FITC-dextran [21]. Progress in Biophysical Molecules Biological, 68, 207-262. The polymer molecule assumes a tighter configuration, and the solution has a lower intrinsic viscosity. (1958). Ibrahim O, Munavalli GS, Dover JS. Catiker, E.; Guner, A. The correct way to interpret what Mark-Houwink parameters is determined graphically ln [] versus ln Mw, where Mw is the molecular weight provided by manufacturer, and calculate the percentage relative error (%RE) respect to Mw. The most widely applied coatings for FDA-approved SPIONs are dextran and carboxydextran. (1991). European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. Enhanced topical delivery of small hydrophilic or lipophilic active agents and epidermal growth factor by fractional radiofrequency microporation. Viswanath, D.S. Microporation was performed 2 times on each sample. Similar results are obtained in references [35, 36, 37], using a system of dextran / ethylene glycol, and dextran/dimethylsulfoxide, respectively. Chem. Middelkoop E, Bogaerdt AJ, Lamme EN, Hoekstra MJ, Brandsma K, Ulrich MMW. Figure1 shows a schematic illustration of transdermal delivery after the application of the microporation device. Webdextran fraction and the final product depend on changes in the hydrodynamic volume of the molecules after substitution. Synthesis of water-soluble and water-insoluble amphiphilic derivatives of dextran in organic medium. If there are particles in the sample, the incident laser light gets scattered in all directions. (2007). Seven dextrans, provided by Sigma, with molecular weight of 8.8, 40, 71.9, 110, 200, 580 and 2000 kDa. Santoro MM, Gaudino G. Cellular and molecular facets of keratinocyte reepithelization during. The term f/f0 is sometimes denoted as P, Perrin constant. Ther. 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If plotted for all molecular weights, the double logarithm of [] and Mw, the value of a obtained in all cases shows a value smaller than 0.5, which reports that dextran macromolecule has a degree of hyperbranched with increasing molecular weight and increases much for higher Mw (< 200kDa) which making the application of M-H method more difficult. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and molecular size of a native dextran. Crini, G. (2005). Chem.
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