Or will the USAPL overlook something again? Fred has held the squat record in several classes and he has squatted 1008lb at the Budweiser meet in 1986. John in a way is like the great Doug Young, but stronger. What reports? But while he was doing amazing feats of strength, Larry also was always making a judge, Jerom Weiss, mad. There's a big difference between exposure and mastery! Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. There was no 220 class yet. Prior to any National meet, there is a meeting held by the Technical Secretary to ensure compliance to rules. Also known ad Dr. Squat. But those accepting the pay of the sponsorship fees do not have to suffer with the bars, merely to take the money and thus approve themjust like at times platforms/stages at ipf worlds have sagged under the larger squatters, only to be considered "acceptable". Looking back, I have seen all the best lifters of the past 50 years. One would have to see the 325lb. We had a five-hour layover. To this day 37 years later, I don't know why I tried to bail out from that bar. they're listed as pending cause someone turned in teh record forms and until ipf looks into this, they're pending. I hope this does not come true. 1983Mens Senior Nationals fed ex, several people with bars in ATTENDANCE who could have had fed ex deliver them, there's NO EXCUSE in this day and age. This is powerlifting not Olympic weightlifting no need for some Broz type of nonsense. It was a bold move, because the USPF was popular its competitions were even nationally televised. A winner of five world championships and several world record. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 1983 Mens Senior Nationals Where are my safety guys screaming about that? Some powerlifting meets drug test, and some dont. He sewed the two pieces together temporarily while they made arrangements for me to meet a helicopter at the University of Dayton arena to fly me and my wife Carol to Louisville, Kentucky. One should not blame the IPF as they did not have any influence or a stake in this meet. Something like this should never have been overlookedEVER ! I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. Dr. Kunitz would go back and forth from one to the other to the other. If I remember, this is not the first time a National Meet in St Louis had the wrong bar. best of luck to everyone concerned with this! Just a few years before, powerlifters had been using PEDs in low doses to help their muscles recover; maybe they gained a bit of an edge, but it wasnt overtly noticeable. That has got to be more dangerous that squatting without wraps. Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. they had TIME TO FIX THIS. Thats total that maybe one other lifter has approached. And some new research shows that they help you better activate the muscle, increasing strength.. HOWEVER, if you're the meet director and you're running an IPF qualifier with potential world records, YOU are responsible for making sure the bar is good. Mine was over first. How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. Giant to appreciate his size. It went all the way down except for about half an inch. if indeed he's been robbed before, then he's pretty tough for sticking in there and coming back. ERNIE FRANTZ A pioneer in the sport, Frantz squatted 821 at age 64. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. So as we got off the plane Paul was waiting for us to step off the plane. Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb the lousy knurling on ivanko bars is now a serious problem and despite their paying of the fee, ipf should seriously consider kicking those bars out UNLESS they can be corrected to have more sufficient knurling. Bench: 280kg/617.29lb Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. There was a period when the IPF decided to do drug testing. i'm over 40 and over the past years since i hit 40, i've actually stepped UP my sets and find i'm getting better results, doing my best even as i get older isn't a problem.. the one thing is to keep the challenges coming and step up to them, not think "oh i'm a master, maybe i shouldn't train so hard". The numbers from these competitions arent perfect; for example, the IPF just started hosting a raw championship,6 so there are only three years of comparable data. But there is one man that comes to mind that was contested by the fact he could be beaten on a bad day if someone else had a great day. You might say not bad well let me tell you this, maybe 12 super-heavies have done 630 plus, but Sam, at 275, has out-benched at least half of the twelve. Modern powerlifters are some of the strongest people in history. And there were no bench shirts until 1984, so his bench was raw as they say nowadays. well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS.[/quote]. It was a great trip home. Mike Bridges, age 50, captured multiple IPF Master's 2 (50+) World Records last weekend at the USAPL Men's Nationals. As for everyone saying ivanko bars are shit because they are so whippy you have to remember they were actually designed for weightlifting. Actually the whole meet was against the rules of the USAPL. And then one day it was over.Larry: Yes I have had 16 surgeries from powerlifting including one freak accident when I almost cut my fingers off when I dropped a bar on myself.Lou: I know you were one of the first to sell power knee wraps and suits.Larry: Yes. Joe came alive within months with some lifting that is still admired today. Show Printable Version; 04-21-2012, 04:33 PM #1. 7. WTF!! In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges answers that at 50 he still trains the same. This page was generated at 11:54 PM. I hope it wasnt 45lbs cos USAPL/IPF rules stipulate metric measures Everything at this meet was ran by the guys in the uniforms! in the NFL, Major League Baseball and the Olympics what were really talking about is how the drugs make an athletes muscles more efficient in terms of strength and recovery. I don't think I would even care if the IPF recognized it personally. Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. All times are GMT-5. [/quote] why someone running a meet like this waits to the last second anyway is a damned good question. A week later Mac and I were on a jet headed for Los Angeles. Mike is a World IPF Champion, IPF World Record Holder, 2008 Masters World Champion with 4 Gold Medals, and 2007 World Bench Press Gold Medalist. Its also important to note that competitions use different weight-class systems. Michael Easter is an associate editor at Mens Health magazine. When you talk about bench pressing, I have to enter Teds name for he is the only other person to do what I have done , bench press in excess of 700lb. Ken Lain DVD's. Tape 1 - Add 50 to 75 lbs To Your Bench Press. Just what do I mean? That's when Bridges competed in the ADFPA (American Drug Free Powerlifting Association). In total, the lifters at Raw Unity put up about 17.44 percent more weight than the lifters at the USAPL competition and 3.46 percent more than those at the IPF meet. Rank. Source: As told by Larry Pacifico from Pacifico Power Systems (July 2017) On October 4, 1980 I lifted at a meet in Dayton, Ohio that I promoted. [quote=Jack Marcus]I do not understand why the IPF is being bashed over this unfortunate incident. I'm fine Jesse! 2023 Westside Barbell. Deadlift: 369.6kg/814lb. Sure, some bars are exactly the same but some payed a license fee to the IPF and some did not--they have a choice. What Powerlifting Tells Us About The Effects Of PEDs. John has totaled just around 2300! Bars don't grow on trees, what would you have done in this situation? No one ever say a word to him no matter what. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. I wore my ProKinetics Insoles to my first competition at the 2009 Pan American Games and I beat my previous world record in squat by 87 pounds. A 13 year old Ed saw Bill Kazmaier powerlift on television and he was instantly hooked. John is what every new young powerlifter wants to be. Will Democrats Rally Behind President Biden In 2024? Mike Bridges, age 50, captured multiple IPF Master's 2 (50+) World Records last weekend at the USAPL Men's Nationals. That all said, heres how the average lifters totals (squat, bench press, dead lift) at the competitions compare. As I'm now fast closing on 49 I find my biggest problem is not overtraining, but under-recovering. He has proved that you dont have to be a giant to do record poundages! At meets a certain aura surrounded you.Larry: My first rival was Joe Weinstein. Mac Richards drove down and took Carol home. Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. Best Lifts: He was lifting at National Masters and I was his coach. Mike Bridges ( Birth date: february 1, 1957) Who is that? We had a rivalry in the early 70s.Lou: Before we get into your powerlifting life, did you ever play other sports? USAPL, was it "modified rules" which were in effect this time? It is said the that the road of good intentions a paved with, 1980 IPF Mens World Powerlifting Championships Mike, congrats on your lifting. ive seen a little on his training also here it goes mon-squat, bench max weight squat- 8,5,5,3,2,1,1,1max partial squat- 1x1 bench- 8,5,5,3,2,1,1,1 max wed-squat,bench light, max deadlift squat-8,5,5,3,1,1 about 50-60% of max Without a doubt, he wasthe greatest of the 275 pounders. Thu Oct 13, 2016. Dr Mike lives in st Louis and I know he has some. Weighing in at only 204 lbs, Mike not only went home with gold medals, but he also broke world records in the Deadlift at 650 lbs. 1. Guess we will never know for sure since neither one of us heard it first hand. Wouldn't it still be a Masters National USAPL record? I think it'd be more like shooting the jockey because he was wearing the wrong silks lol! He said, "I will be in a minute." In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. There was also another little boy who came in from Tennessee. Well, the bar didn't cooperate. Benchpress: 172.5kg/380lb I could not believe it Paul was calling my room and even trying to send girls to my room. the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. In that meet there were four men who would become IPF World Champs: Milt McKenzie, George Crawford, Vince Anello and, last but not least, Larry Pacifico, the subject of this article. Well, finally the final chapter to this event: As I mentioned, Mac Richards came back down to pick me up in Louisville. Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. On another note, the IPF will truly commit a crime if they take Mike's records due to this smallest of technicalities. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. And tell me something about your personal life.Larry: I was vice president of Holiday and New Life Spas, there were 20 of us all total. I never saw such a lifting machine. It wasn't as meteculous years ago when the USAPL was first cutting their teeth after becoming the IPF affiliate. Now, while I was there Mike Lambert of Powerlifting USA took the first picture of my hand and ran it in the January 1981 Issue the same issue that ran the results of the 80 worlds. Squat: 446.7kg/984.4lb I unhooked it and stood up. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. They don't specifically train to get huge muscles, but they still end up being massive. Best Lifts: Consider this 2008 American Physiological Society study, which found that the benefits of steroids in powerlifters can last several years beyond when the drugs leave their body. Why should IPF bend rules for 1 fed in its group rather than for another.(and since they only do that for rus or ukrwellthere's your answer). When we landed my finger was twice the size. Mike Bridges (Powerlifter) Inger Blikra (Powerlifter) Subrata Dutta . I drove it to within an inch from locking it out. I envied Larry for having such good training partners and a coach like Bob Matz.
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