Phone: (908) 233-9093 Fax: (908) 233-0823 She earned the following commendations: World War II Victory Medal; Navy Occupation Service Medal; Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation; America Defense Service Ribbon; and the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Ribbon with nine battle stars 1. 2 turret gunhouse assembly is seen being lowered into position on 12 January 1943. In 1989, USS New Jersey became a flagship once again. Putting this great ship back to work protecting our country represents a major step toward fulfilling our pledge to rebuild Americas military capabilities. Reagan explained the importance of this magnificent ship. | The New Jersey was the first ship to operate the Tomahawk, and carried more than any warship then afloat. The New Jersey shot down more Japanese planes. Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Communicator 4.61 or newer. She also got two Mark 48 shore bombardment computers and a target-designation system. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. The conning tower armor is 17.3 inches with a roof at 7.25 inches, deck at 4 inches, and the tube at 16 inches.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. Unsinkable Sailors: The Fall and Rise of the Last Crew of USS Frank E. Evans: Th 9780979164231 | eBay does not share your information. On April 13, 1944, USS New Jersey and Admiral Spruances Central Pacific Force now renamed the Fifth Fleet steamed 2,000 miles west to support the amphibious offensive by General Douglas MacArthur and the Seventh Fleet against the Japanese in New Guinea. Years in Service: 1952. AD. Finally, she is a military and technological landmark. Two emergency diesel generators each produced an additional 250 kW. Into 1945, USS New Jersey participated in the invasions of Iwo Jima and the Ryukyus. On September 11, 1999, the New Jersey bade farewell to Bremerton. Nimitz spent Christmas conferring with Halsey on the New Jersey. Below that is a splinter deck of 0.625 inches. Spruance used the New Jersey as his flagship until April 10. The number of U.S. Navy ships had reached the lowest level since World War II, while the Soviet Union had greatly added to its surface fleet, including the first of the Kirov-class battlecruisers. Status changes included reporting to or transferring from the activity, promotions or demotions, change in rate, departing for or returning from leave, temporary attached duty, and formal inpatient status for treatment in a medical facility. Feeling as stunned as if I had been struck in the face, Halsey angrily crumpled the message and threw it and his cap on the deck of the New Jersey, stomping on them and furiously cursing. Or click below to visit their website: Meanwhile, Imperial Japan invaded China in July 1937, and Nazi Germany rebuilt its navy. The ships eight electric generators each produced 450-volt, 3-phase alternating current totaling 1,250 kW. Admiral Halseys Story, by William F. Halsey, Jr. and J. Bryan III, @ 1947 William F. Halsey, Jr., Published by Whittlesey House, New York, NY. This is the Navy, here, the real Navy.. Band photo sent by Dave Brown. First, in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the largest carrier battle in history, she helped throw up the impenetrable wall of antiaircraft fire which, with Navy fighters, decimated Japans naval air arm in the Marianas Turkey Shoot. United Nations Summer/Fall Offensive, 3. As seen from the side, the turret's 0.75" STS backing plates are installed. USS New Jersey sailed back to the Philadelphia Naval Yard and received four more quadruple 40mm guns to augment her anti-aircraft protection. On August 21, the New Jersey was notified that she would be decommissioned again as a cost-cutting measure. The land-attack Tomahawk missiles had ranges exceeding 1,000 miles and employed terrain-following systems to fly below surface radar and deliver their warheads with unprecedented accuracy. In addition to her role as a museum, the New Jersey has been the site of numerous memorial services and commemorations of historical events. Her original fuel oil capacity of over 7,250 tons (over 2,175,000 gallons) gave her an endurance range of over 15,000 nautical miles when cruising at 15 knots, allowing her to operate without resupply for a month and to refuel smaller ships. Meanwhile, the State of New Jersey paid to tow USS New Jersey from Washington State to the Delaware River, and tow Iowa from Rhode Island to California to take her place, before the Panama Canal came under Panamanian control. Crew: 1,921: Armament: 3x3x16in(406mm)/50cal Mark 7 guns, 10x2x5in(127mm)/38cal Mark 12 guns, 80x40mm/56cal Bofors AA guns, 49x20mm/70cal Oerlikon AA guns: . As Halsey put it: Instead of the stagecoach system of keeping the drivers and changing the horses, we changed drivers and kept the horses. It facilitated planning and confused Japanese Intelligence, but [i]t was hard on the horses, including the New Jersey, the only ship to serve as flagship for both Spruance and Halsey. The task force was subjected to a flurry of attacking bombers and kamikazes, including the first use of rocket-powered piloted flying bombs. In 2007, best-selling author Tom Clancy had his 60th birthday party on the fantail of the New Jersey, attended by retired Secretary of State Colin Powell, Sean Connery, and Stephen Spielberg. After the Communists broke off talks in August 1951, the New Jersey provided naval gunfire support for the U.N. troops ashore near Kansong. In 1935 and 2020, American night scouting planes spotted and reported Kuritas movement into the strait to Admiral Halsey on the New Jersey. As Admiral Halsey later told Sprague: you wrote the most glorious page in American naval history that day. Sadly, later that day, Japan for the first time launched kamikaze suicide planes. The nine 16-inch guns of the New Jersey and Iowa could fire 2,700-pound shells almost 24 miles. As a member of the Decommissioning crew in 1991 I lost contact with a lot of good men from the crew. Sent at 0944 on October 25, the radiogram read: TURKEY TROTS TO WATER GG WHERE IS RPT WHERE IS TASK FORCE THIRTY-FOUR RR THE WORLD WONDERS. Vietnamese Counter-Offensive Phase VI, and 3. This 58,000-ton ship, whose armor alone weighs more than our largest cruiser, is being recommissioned at no more than the cost of a new 4,000-ton frigate. After the Battle for Leyte Gulf, USS New Jersey picked up downed fliers and Japanese sailors in the water. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. In fire-control fingers depressed the keys and the breeches surged backwards once more. In World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, and the Persian Gulf, the New Jersey earned a total of 19 Battle and Campaign stars, making her the most decorated battleship in American history, the most of any surviving U.S. Navy ship, and the second-most decorated ship in American history. Only after the War of 1812 did America operate ships-of-the-line, which were named after states starting in 1820. high-explosive round, to a maximum range of 41,622 yards (23.6 miles). USS New Jerseys armor protection is extensive and layered, using both Class A and Class B armor. I am curious if my father, George M Rozeck was a member of the crew of the USS New Jersey. USS New Jersey and Admiral Spruance reunited at Majuro. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. Reactivating the Iowa-class ships would allow the Navy to create battleship battle groups to supplement the twelve carrier battle groups already in commission, enabling the Navy to meet its growing worldwide commitments. The New Jersey and the other fast battleships bombarded Saipan and Tinian on June 13, the older battleships did so June 14, and the troops landed on mountainous Saipan on June 15. Soon after, the New Jersey received the Pioneer Remotely Piloted Vehicle. The attack sunk twenty-nine ships and destroyed 214 aircraft. In his wildly successful 1984 debut novel The Hunt for Red October, the Soviet fleet pursues its newest submarine whose officers are sailing to America to defect. Her battle group sailed to Thailand and was the only Navy presence in the Western Pacific. She rejoined the fast carriers on October 27, 1944. The New Jersey was the first U.S. battleship to enter the Persian Gulf, and she remained there until December 14, 1989. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. Her original barrels were relined and went on to be preserved at locations around the country. 1 user currently logged in and 94 visitors active. Though he never interfered with commanders on the spot, the worried Nimitz eventually told his staff to send a message to Halsey on the New Jersey asking, Where is Task Force Thirty-Four? Hearing Nimitzs emphasis, his staff repeated the Where is. An encoding officer added nonsense phrases and double consonants at either end to confuse any Japanese efforts to decode the message. Nimitz found the errors were committed under the stress of war operations and resulted from a commendable desire to meet military commitments, and did not relieve the popular Halsey. In the typhoons two-day ordeal, Spence and two other destroyers capsized and sank. Both the Harpoon and the Tomahawk launch using a rocket booster and then achieved their long ranges using a jet engine. The New Jersey also received a Naval Unit Commendation for her service in Vietnam, and Presidential Unit Citations from the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Korea. The slipway then had to be lengthened by 325 feet and reinforced to accommodate the New Jersey which was 12% longer and 30% heavier. It's a great place to begin your search. The main Japanese force sailed unchallenged around the island of Samar toward the transports in Leyte Gulf while the two American battle fleets were far to the north and south. After she had steamed east over 6,000 of the 8,000 miles to Long Beach, on April 15, 1969, the North Koreans, who in January had seized the intelligence ship USS Pueblo, shot down an unarmed EC-121 Constellation reconnaissance aircraft over international waters, killing 31 Americans. It restricted battleships to 35,000 tons and 16-inch main guns and limited the total tonnage of the major fleets. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? Army Chief of Staff Omar Bradley and Far East Commander Matthew Ridgeway came aboard to confer with Admiral Martin on October 1, 1951. After reactivation and training in the Caribbean, USS New Jersey sailed through the Panama Canal on April 20, 1951, passing the homeward-bound Missouri. One-third of the ships workforce was comprised of women, now known collectively as Rosie the Riveters.. In 1934, Imperial Japan indicated its intent to terminate the treaty. 2023 Wall Calendar - CLICK HERE. During her tour, USS New Jersey made resupply and liberty visits to the Philippines, Japan, and Singapore. He was now awarded the main Pacific fleet as his first fleet command. Nonetheless, befitting a ship that survived so many crises, the New Jersey opened as a museum and memorial on October 14. The New Jersey passed through the Panama Canal into the Pacific for the first time in 15 years. New Jersey ranged far and wide from 30 December 1944 to 25 January 1945 on her last cruise as Admiral Halsey's flagship. For oral history. 6 October 1944 ~ 26 January 1945: Captain Oswald S. Colclough, USN: 26 January 1945 ~ 15 June 1945: Captain Byron H. Hanlon, USN: 15 June 1945 ~ 1 . On January 7, they squeezed through the Panama Canal, with less than a foot to spare on each side. Meanwhile, Navy reconnaissance flights had been fired on over Syrian-controlled areas of Lebanon. On March 31, President Lyndon Johnson announced he would enter negotiations, drop his bid for re-election, and halt bombing north of the 19th Parallel thus shielding much of North Vietnam (including the Thanh Hoa bridge) from bombardment by the New Jersey. USS South Dakota was built by the New York Shipbuilding Corporation at the Camden, NJ dock works and launched on June 7, 1941 - the very site of the modern day museum dock for the battleship USS New Jersey. Four turrets were removed in 1982 to make room for Tomahawk cruise missile and Harpoon anti-ship missile batteries. They made the bold decision to tow the two crippled cruisers and use them as bait to lure out the Japanese fleet. The flat steel wall of the battleships side confronted them. President Reagan ordered the Marines to withdraw to their ships. At her decommissioning, the New Jerseys captain noted: She has no potential foe worthy of her steel.. USS New Jersey was the largest ship that had been built on inclined ways since the Queen Mary. She steamed to Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Two Korean combat tours in 1951 and 1953 were punctuated by a European cruise in the Summer of 1952. In the fall, she trained reservists. When he became the commander of the Central Pacific Force in November 1943, Spruance decided not to have a battleship for a flagship so his own movements would not weaken his fleet. On April 7, while still hundreds of miles from Okinawa, Yamato and several escorts were sunk by 280 American planes from the carriers, while the New Jersey protected the carriers from attacking aircraft. By 1906, the United States had built, or was building, enough battleships to give her the third-largest battleship fleet in the world. Arriving in Scotland, the New Jersey was greeted by the British Home Fleet. Please send any Comments or Questions regarding this site to the webmaster. At 1236 Kurita abandoned penetration of Leyte anchorage, and headed back to San Bernardino Strait. P.O. However, the Missouri, named after President Trumans home state and christened by his daughter, was chosen instead. The New Jersey and the Fifth Fleet readied for the most ambitious amphibious action yet the invasion of the Mariana Islands, specifically Saipan, Tinian, and Guam. From August 1944, she was flagship of Admiral William F. Halsey's Third Fleet. Even before she was launched, the New Jersey began serving her country. Note: Distribution of this information by the Department of the Navy does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Navy of the information or services from the firms, organizations, and websites listed hereafter. Send an urgent dispatch to CINCPAC. Halsey radioed from the New Jersey urging that scheduled landings on several islands be skipped and that Leyte be invaded two months sooner than planned. USS Refuge (AH-11), was a hospital ship of the United States Navy during World War II. UNDERWAY! She operated off Korea during the Summer Olympics in Seoul, then sailed south for Australia to participate in that countrys bicentennial celebrations. At Long Beach, California, in 1946, she prepared to observe the atomic bomb tests at Bikini atoll, but they went on without her. However, she was ordered home for refit via the Philippines and Japan. This required a greater displacement of over 45,000 tons, the adoption of a lighter turret design, and the use of special treatment steel (STS), a high tensile steel with armor properties comparable to heavier Class B armor, to replace armor and structural steel in some areas. 1982 However, the Nixon Administration had begun to reduce American troop levels in favor of Vietnamization, the plan to shift combat duties to the South Vietnamese. For membership information or reunion inquiries, visit 1985 1986 The initial battleships (BB-1 through BB-4) had four 12-inch or 13-inch guns and numerous smaller guns, displaced 10,000 tons, and could steam at only 17 knots or less. The Japanese decoy plan had succeeded. In 1967, surface-to-surface missiles had sunk a warship for the first time when the Egyptians fired Soviet Styx missiles at an Israeli destroyer. Armament: 9 16", 20 5". Best time of my life, we did a west-pac and it was great!!! Fortunately, barrels were a long lead-time item, so barrels had been procured for Illinois, Kentucky, and some of the Montana-class battleships even though the ships never were completed. On December 14, 1983, USS New Jersey was finally allowed to retaliate the first 16-inch shells fired in anger since her service in Vietnam in 1969. By 1950 these had been replaced by helicopters, for which the New Jersey has a landing pad and flight control tower. The ship was built in 1921 by the New York Shipbuilding Corp., of Camden, New Jersey, as SS Blue Hen State, but was renamed President Garfield in 1923 and then SS President Madison in 1940 for service with American President Lines. During World War II, USS New Jersey carried a complement of up to three observation floatplanes, initially OS2U Kingfishers and then Curtiss SC Seahawks. As the Navys historian Morison stated, What a brawl that would have been ! If Bulls Run had resulted in only the New Jersey and Iowa dueling the four Japanese battleships, it might have been a close call. President Ronald Reagan echoed that remark in 1982 when he personally recommissioned USS New Jersey the only battleship ever commissioned by a sitting president. As naval aviator and POW Jeremiah Denton said in the 1980s when he was a Senator urging the reactivation of the New Jersey: In Vietnam, we lost hundreds of aircraft at great cost in lives, as well as in dollars, that could have been saved had a battleship been on station. The Big J is being reactivated with the latest in missile, electronic warfare, and communications technology. The Home Port Alliance for the Battleship New Jersey sought to return the ship to Camden near Philadelphia where she had been built. Battleship New Jersey Historical Museum Society Navy combatant to incorporate the Aegis combat system. As a result, the United States scrapped, or converted to other uses, all battleships commissioned before 1911 (BB-1 through BB-30), scrapped the battleships under construction (BB-47, BB-49 through BB-54), and launched no battleships for almost twenty years. She hosted a Christmas show for crew and troops by actress Ann-Margret and comedian Bob Hope, who joked the New Jersey was so big she was Wake Island with a rudder.. Historical Atlas of the U.S. Navy, by Craig L. Symmonds, @ 1995 by Craig L. Symmonds, Published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. . The damaged Iowa was decommissioned in October 1990, and it was decided the New Jersey would be next. their website at: USS Naval Personnel Command The Iowa-class ships great size and reserve of buoyancy allowed them to carry the heavy anti-aircraft armament needed to defend themselves and the carriers they escorted in the Air Age, and to incorporate the latest cruise missile and anti-ship missile technology to keep them relevant in the Missile Age. On a diplomatic mission after the formation of the Warsaw Pact, the New Jersey visited feuding NATO allies Greece and Turkey, and was the first U.S. warship to visit Trieste after its restoration to Italy from nonaligned Yugoslavia. However, Admiral Halseys command decisions on USS New Jersey resulted in Task Force 34 being unable to fight a surface engagement either against Admiral Ozawas carrier force or Admiral Kuritas main force. The Official Other ports/arrival records USS New Jerseys main battery consisted of three turrets, each with three Mark 7 16-inch/50-caliber gun barrels. Some of the records for personnel on aircraft carriers also include corresponding images of the ship. Xxx. She was also the first battleship to enter the Persian Gulf, and the first battleship in thirty years to lead her own battle group a role in which Tom Clancy featured her in his best-selling novel The Hunt for Red October. The anti-ship Tomahawk had a range of 240 miles or more and used active-radar homing to hit ships far beyond the horizon. The Fast Carriers, The Forging of an Air Navy, by Clark G. Reynolds, @ 1968 Clark G. Reynolds, Published by McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY. After training exercises in the Caribbean, the New Jersey and the midshipmen arrived in New York on August 28. She was reactivated for a third time in the Cold War to halt Soviet expansionism and resolve conflicts in the Middle East. Spruance, raised in New Jersey, had led American forces to victory in the Battle of Midway in 1942 and was the commander who retook Tarawa and Makin. Halsey commanded the Third Fleet on the New Jersey from August 24, 1944 until January 27, 1945. They hit Taffy One and Taffy Three, sinking Spragues escort carrier St. At President Roosevelts request, Congress on May 17, 1938, passed the Naval Act of 1938. 1 Jul 1945 For weeks, the New Jersey provided anti-aircraft protection for the carriers whose planes struck airfields in Luzon, the main island in the Philippines. President Reagan closed: After valiant service in Vietnam and after saving the lives of countless Marines, the New Jersey was decommissioned in 1969. Moreover, the Fifth Fleet would have to transport and land 127,000 American troops 2,400 miles from Guadalcanal and 3,500 miles from Pearl Harbor, where the troops embarked on June 5, 1944. After returning home from the western Pacific in late 1953, New Jersey operated in the Atlantic. at: After 1956, a list of the officers is usually included with the muster rolls. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos. All three Japanese forces were defeated, and the amphibious attack on Leyte proceeded unimpeded. World War II proved the value of the truly fast battleship, but it also showed that the aircraft carrier was now the queen of the seas. I volunteer 2 days a week with a great group of guys (mostly vets). She was deployed to Maine until mid-December in case the German battleship Tirpitz, which had attacked Spitzbergen in September, attempted to leave Norway to raid the critical North Atlantic convoys. What had been the Fifth Fleet while Admiral Spruance commanded was called the Third Fleet while Halsey commanded. After fighting fascism, communism, and terrorism, she was decommissioned for the final time in February 1991. Halseys attacks devastated Japanese airpower on Luzon and stemmed the tide of kamikazes, which had sunk 24 ships and damaged 67 others in the Seventh Fleet carrying MacArthurs Army. We lost five planes in one day on that one target. Admiral J. Paul Reason, the Navys first African American 4-star Admiral, commanded Cruiser-Destroyer Group 1 and Battle Group Romeo from the New Jersey. The Soviet Union was pressured by President Reagans foreign policy initiatives and expansion of the Navy (which peaked at 594 ships), and challenged by East European discontent, Afghan resistance, and economic deterioration at home. USS Pollux AKS-4 was a Castor-class general stores issue ship commissioned by the U.S. Navy for service in World War II. Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, by Joseph-James Ahern, @ 1997 Joseph-James Ahern, Published by Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC. The New Jersey relieved Missouri, which had relieved Iowa. At 0215, USS TRIGGER attacks the convoy again, fires three torpedoes and all hit and sink DELAGOA MARU near Tanegashima. Admiral Arleigh Burke, a future CNO, also visited by highline to confer with Admiral Martin. Taffy 3s few destroyers and destroyer escorts exhausted their torpedoes in desperate charges and then closed to point-blank range to use their 5-inch guns against the impenetrable armor of the powerful Japanese ships. SEND LEE. As Tokyo Rose later commented, Kinkaids hallooing for help in plain English showed great anxiety.. As a result, she was recommissioned at the lightest weight ever achieved by an Iowa-class battleship. My father, James Robert Cheatham (1934-1997), served as an ETN3 on the Battleship USS Iowa during the Korean Conflict. EN. A flight of aircraft is a momentary and vulnerable show of force; post-war ships have insufficient armor to operate close to land; but a battleship anchored off a hotspot sends a clear message. Beginning in mid-October 1968, USS New Jersey moved south to support Marine, Army, South Vietnamese, and Korean troops in the I Corps area of South Vietnam. It combined for the first time all the aspects of modern naval warfare air, surface, subsurface, and amphibious warfare. Halsey had to decide whether the whole Third Fleet should guard San Bernardino Strait, whether the New Jersey and Task Force 34 should guard the strait while the Third Fleet carriers struck Ozawas carriers, or whether the entire Third Fleet should go after Ozawas carriers still 300 miles to the north. The four Iowa-class were the only battleships fast enough to keep up with the fast carriers in World War II. The New Jerseys unmatched service in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and the conflicts in Lebanon and the Persian Gulf put her in harms way in more battles, campaigns, and wars than any almost any other vessel. Contrary to their assumption, USS New Jersey and the other ships earmarked for Task Force 34 were still part of the three carrier groups and were sailing north with Admiral Halsey. The second NEW JERSEY (BB-62) was launched 7 December 1942 by the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard; sponsored by Mrs. Charles Edison, wife of Governor Edison of New Jersey, former Secretary of the Navy; and commissioned at Philadelphia 23 May 1943, Captain Carl F. Holden in command. Once again Wonson shore batteries fired and were silenced by the New Jersey. Other features may include candid photographs of crew members at work and recreation, details and history of the ship, and short biographies on captains, commanders, and other prominent officers. While USS New Jersey was readying again for action, 1968 had opened with the Tet offensive against cities throughout South Vietnam. Middletown, New Jersey 07748-0062 The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King, by Walter R. Boreman, @ 2012 Walter R. Boreman, Published by Back Bay Books, New York, NY. The only thing between Admiral Kuritas fleet and the American amphibious ships were the Seventh Fleets three groups of escort carriers. The New Jersey transited the Panama Canal and raced across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, joining the Sixth Fleet. Chevalier commissioned 9 January 1945 and served in the US Navy until 2 June 1975, when she was . The records include name of registrant, age, birth date, birthplace, residence, employer information, and physical description. As Admiral Kuritas chief of staff admitted, the battle spelled the collapse of our Navy as an effective fighting force. Japans ships never again tried to challenge the United States Navy in battle. On September 23, 2001, USS New Jersey was moved to her permanent berth at her new ceremonial pier on the Camden waterfront facing Philadelphia. After a refit, USS New Jersey was once again the flagship of a midshipmens summer cruise, this time to San Francisco, Tacoma, San Diego, and Hawaii, where her crew listened as man first walked on the moon. Her helicopters worked to rescue downed aviators. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 465 crew members registered for the USS New Jersey (BB 62). USS New Jersey then steamed through the Indian Ocean to the war-torn Persian Gulf. It truly was an awsome ship, it was an honor to be a part of the decom crew. Meanwhile, Taffy 3s escort carriers were being boxed in by Admiral Kuritas armada. Volume VIII, New Guinea and the Marianas, March 1944-August 1944, @ 1953 Samuel Eliot Morison. The Quiet Warrior, A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, by Thomas B. Buell, @ 1987 Naval Institute Press, Published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. However, all battleships worldwide were made obsolete by Britains commissioning in 1906 of the all-big-gun, heavily armored, turbine-driven HMS Dreadnought, which had twice their firepower and could reach 21 knots. Her main battery sent 288 16-inch rounds 15 miles inland, silencing artillery positions shelling Beirut, and killing the general commanding Syrian forces in Lebanon. The mothballing process was reversed, and a new crew trained. A closed-circuit television system was also added for a crew raised in a television age. 06/25/2012 Ernest Caltenback. Volume XIV, Victory in the Pacific, 1945, @ 1960 Samuel Eliot Morison.
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