After escaping on the backs of Tibidee from another ambush from the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister on Oosalan Mesa while scouting for a permanent base for the rebel fleet, Ezra and Kanan discussed the threat of the Inquisitors to their efforts to help the rebellion to establish one. A tentacle grabs Thrawn and begins to constrict him. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. While waiting aboard an Alderaan Cruiser, Ezra and Kanan received word that Sabine had managed to infiltrate the Academy. Grace Harlow used to live a perfect life. After Ezra forgave himself, apprentice and master reconciled. Who knew that those two things would lead us to having an obsessive stalker on our tails. Fortunately for Ezra and the rebels, the Rebel Fleet arrived with Phoenix Home and the Ghost. The crew soon met Gold Leader and Gold Two, and the two squadrons initially rubbed each other the wrong way due to Gold Squadron's dislike for Phoenix Squadron's more aggressive tactics. Back at Chopper Base, Ezra was present when Sato formally welcomed Wedge and Hobbie into the Rebellion. After falling out of his bed, Ezra alerted Hera and Kanan. Despite Ezra's best efforts, he was unable to lift the astromech droid. After repelling the boarding party, the rebels descended into the depths of Geonosis. He then used his energy slingshot to electrocute the cockpit, rendering Rudor unconscious. Ezra grew taller (he grew taller than Ava), Kyle "Ive had many things stolen from me. When Ezra tried to touch the Darksaber, Maul chastised the youth and told him that his Mandalorian friend could provide him with more information on the Darksaber's significance. During the fight, Chopper stopped the Imperial astromech by electrocuting it and reopening all the doors, allowing Ezra and the crew to retreat back to the Ghost. Returning to consciousness, Ezra can feel pain all across his body. By the time the arrived in Ryloth's atmosphere in the TIE bomber being carried by a Twilek rebel ship, the rebels detached and piloted towards the orbiting carrier as it dispatched a squadron of bombers down to the surface. I write stories, imagines and references, you can also follow me on Instagram. He and Sabine were herded into hangar bay six by their Inquisitor captors, so Zeb created a commotion with the Phantom that enabled Ezra and Sabine to break free of their captors' clutches and board the attack shuttle. To Ezra's delight, Ryder joined in, saying that explosives would not be able to disable the gravity locks and offered his help in exchange for getting off of Lothal. During the journey, Ezra wept, prompting Kanan to comfort him. Awakening from his vision, Ezra joined his companions in fleeing the Jedi Temple before the before the Brother and Sister closed in on them. With the help of these allies, Ezra and Sabine were able to steal the TIE Defender Elite prototype and, more importantly, its Flight Data Recorder and hyperdrive. Her father, though, insisted on destroying fighter carrier since it had been used to terrorize Ryloth and to demonstrate the Ryloth rebels' strength but agreed to support his daughter's plan after Hera pointed out that the two cells depended on each other for the mission to succeed. However, The Inquisitor forced him away and began to torment him with the fear of losing everyone he cared about and everything he hoped for, at the same time encouraging him to give into it. Sabine, howevermanaged to pinpoint where the fighters originated from, and to both her and Heras surprise, it was where the Purrgil were heading. Holding her in a Force-grip, Maul urged Ezra to strike the Inquisitor. Instead, she got Chopper to plant explosives all over the building to create a distraction; something that surprised Ezra. After Ketsu left, Ezra asked Sabine if that was the last they'll see of her. The Imperials Super Commandos also captured Chopper and the Phantom II. As they fled into a narrower part of the canyon, Sabine used grenades to block Saxon and his men. Seeing no other option, and unwilling to endanger those he loved, Ezra left his ship without the consent of his friends and delivered himself to Thrawn. As the three departed Nixus, Ezra confided his anxieties about his new responsibilities, but Hondo suggested that he should become a "pirate Jedi". With Chopper's help, the two rebels tried to get pass the Stormtrooper sentries at the front door. However, Ezra defended Maul and argued they could trust him because he believed Maul's claim that he wanted to use the holocron's knowledge to destroy the Sith. After an encounter with a Tactical Infiltration Pod, the group encountered the Chandrila Mistress and Gold Squadron, whom they had been sent to meet. His left knee was padded for improved sliding. The Path of a Grey Jedi - EzraBridger17 - Wattpad Work Search: However, before they could make their escape, Ezra began to sense a cold feeling. They went anyway to Vizago and Ezra was able to convince him into helping them after revealing Kanan's Jedi identity, as well as his own. Realizing Tseebo's value to the Rebellion, the crew of theGhostagreed to smuggle him off-world. Later, when Kanan asked to speak with Ursa again, Ezra decried her alliance with the Empire, citing Sabine's praise of their family's traditions. How we chose to fight is just as important as what we fight for.Ezra Bridger. German_Bear, 71Roadrunner, Penguin_Brianna, ZeldaRose579, Sonic4Ever, JustWriterBritt, Lord_Schnurrbart, Thatguy2775, achillies453, Psychotic_Flamingo1991, and HeyKatie Kanan and Ahsoka explained that Malachor was considered off-limits by the Jedi, but the former Jedi suggested that the reason why Yoda would send them there is that the planet might have something that would help them to stop the Inquisitors. Ezra And Sabine Were Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Go To Clan Wren. When Ezra is captured by the Inquisitor. Seeking to thwart the Imperial governor, Tiber Saxon, the allies boarded his Star Destroyer in order to destroy the weapon and all information tied to it. This shocked Zeb, who believed himself to be the last of the Lasat, and the rebels quickly attacked the Stormtroopers and Imperial officer in order to free the prisoners. You dont need to read this to understand the entire story! He noted that she seemed to be a loner because she usually handled her missions alone, stayed in her room a lot and ate alone. Ezra kept in touch with his master but soon lost contact after being surrounded by several Krykna. While in space, the rebels learned from Ahsoka that a similar attempt had been made to abduct children during the Clone Wars. They're gone." Despite Kanan's efforts to reassure him that Sabine would be fine, Ezra still voiced his dislike for solo missions. Upon landing atLando's farm, the rebels were immediately accosted by Azmorigan and his henchmen, who had come for retribution against Lando. Ezra struck down the power unit with his lightsaber; freeing the starfighters but sending Reklam Station towards the surface of Yarma. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. After stealing an Imperial Freighter, Ezra and the rebels journeyed to Mustafar and deployed the TIE Fighter he and Zeb stole a while back to dock them aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, and disable it with an electromagnetic pulse so they could search for Kanan. Jedi. Apparently, the Protectors' leader, Commander Fenn Rau, had already aligned his warriors with the Empire and attacked Hera's Phoenix Squadron fleet, destroying several of their A-Wing Starfighters and gravely wounding Hera. Ezra passed his Force-related feelings as strange skills. After rebel intelligence received word that theEmpirewas conducting mass construction above Geonosis, the crew accompanied Rex there in hopes of finding information on what weapons the Imperials were building. A collection of one shots and short fics, where Ezra isnt completely human. The Mandalorian Teases Return of Star Wars Rebels Characters Everything You Need to Know, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Star Wars Writes Off Gina Carano Mandalorian Character, Lord of the Rings Reportedly Going Full Star Wars, Kogonada & Alex Garcia Lopez Join The Acolyte Directing Team, Here We Go! Telling Kanan about the vision, the boy was later called in by Hera when the transmission came on, where Trayvis spoke complimented on the bravery of rebels defying the Empire's tyranny and hinted he's coming to meet with them at the Old Republic Senate Building on Lothal. His waist tied to a wooden post, what remained of Ezras body hung limp in the cell. Star Wars Rebels Characters + Histories In Star Wars Rebels, Maul's Influence Showed Ezra Bridger the Dark Side The Padawan's time with the former Sith, while potentially dangerous, would ultimately lead him to a better path. She eventually met her end at the hands Darth Vader, but not before realizing that the Sith Lord was her former master, Anakin Skywalker. Getting over an argument for failing to see the leak, Ezra discussed the situation with Kanan, who had already sensed it through the Force and heard his Padawan and Zeb arguing outside his cabin. Maul led a reluctant Ezra into a cave within the Nightsister Lair. Ezra, Jai, and Zeb later returned to the area to retrieve the hyperdrive, only to find Imperial forces searching for them. Only the plot and Oc's!!!! While Ezra was momentarily coerced by the Sith, Kanan was able to see through the ruse and following Mauls attempted murder of the Jedi for his insolence Ezra never trusted the Sith again. Youre headstrong, Ill give you that, you have grit and determination, but what is your goal? Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Once inside, the trio experienced different visions of the Force depending on their needs and circumstances. Upon arrival, Ezra greatly helped the Rebels get into the correct section and stole the shipments that they discovered were T-7 Ion Disruptors, which were banned by theImperial Senatebecause they were able to instantly kill a living being. Before Vader could finish Ezra off, he was joined by Ahsoka. Skywalkers cause trouble, Palpatine is the worst, and Sabine and Youngest Brother annoy the heck out of each other at every possible opportunity. In response, Ezra suggested that Purrgil were ignorant of the damage they were causing. Ezra Bridger/Relationships | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom Maul, having determined that Obi-Wan was on Tatooine but failing to locate him, used a fragment of one of the Holocrons to connect with the shattered databases and inform Ezra of the planet on which he was located. All Rights Reserved. Returning to the Ghost, the crew had only a day to search for their companion before the Empire showed up searching for Agent Kallus, who nonetheless must've been in the same escape pod fighting him when it crashed. While the warrior was assumed to be Zeb, the child was assumed to be Ezra, who commented that the Ashla sounded like the Force, which according to Kanan had many names. Ezra rejoined his rebel companions after bidding the pirate farewell. Feeling the Phantom shake and creak under the pressure of the black hole, Ezra looks up and smiles before kissing Sabine. They were afterward greeted by the contact, who turned out to be Hondo, and Gron turned out to have fought in the Lasan Honor Guard with Zeb as his captain, much to Zeb's discomfort. When Ezra picked up a B1 Battle Droid's head and opined that the droid did not look dangerous, Rex responded that those "clankers" killed many of his friends. While Sabine was training to wield the Darksaber, he patiently taught her lightsaber strokes. He was thievish, yet easy going and upbeat, and liked to play pranks and make jokes. He did, however, help Maul to recover a Sith Holocron, which allowed the Sith to locate his long-time nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi. This bought the crew time to escape aboard the Ghost with Ezra and Kanan helping the injured Lasat. They succeeded in this mission, despite Ezra's ineptitude with a jetpack, due in part to the timely arrival of Clan Kryze and its leader Bo-Katan. After Sabine along with Wedge and Hobbie escaped in a TIE Bomber, Ezra's ship flew into the planet's atmosphere and picked them up. CA: Winter Soldier AU. Unfortunately, the boy still blamed himself for what happened to Kanan and Ahsoka and began learning the powers of the dark side by delving into the Sith holocron, thinking it would prevent any more of his friends from being harmed. She was pretty and innocent with a best friend who would die for her. After infiltrating Reklam Station, the rebels encountered several Ugnaught laborers. "Ryder's planning on turning all imperial officers over to Rebel Command as soon as possible. Ezra later shared his difficulties with Ahsoka when she arrived to join him and Kanan, remarking that it often seemed that the Force grew more mysterious the more was learned about it. Later, Ezra was in his bunk when Kanan entered. Ezra then made his way back to his tower, with his prizes. Returning to the conveyor platform, Ezra commanded his comrades to escape with the Y-Wings while the young Jedi tried to reach the Phantom. The TIES chased the ship around the construction module and were shot down one at a time. While Hera, Sabine, and Zeb traveled to Shantipole in the Phantom, Kanan, Ezra. Distrusting the Weequay, Ezra claimed to be Lando, and when Imperials attacked the ship, he had Chopper power up the engines to make their jump into hyperspace. Why would I risk my life for a bunch of strangers?Ezra. (The other 20% is in the Stuff Leia Does Not Need To Know category.). My name is Ezra Bridger and this is a story about me living as if I was lower than dirt since I was 8, to the most amazing place on earth. Under Zeb's orders, the recovery team began loading the proton bombs aboard the Ghost first. While Kanan encountered several spectral Jedi Temple Guards under the command of the pre-dark side Grand Inquisitor, Ezra asked Ahsoka about her recollections of Master Yoda. Ezra praised the Senator for her courage, and willingly agreed to help escort her to Dantooine for a meeting with various Rebel leaders. Nobody else could hear anything until straight ahead, he and his rebel colleagues hey spotted a swarm of Purrgil coming towards them. He arrived to find the place lying in burning rubble and the citizens were no doubt in Imperial custody. Due to this and the influence from the Sith Holocron, Ezra started to fight more aggressively, such as killing Stormtroopers rather than stunning them. Looking around, Ezra spots his lightsaber and the Holocron sitting on the bench next to his bed. With reinforcements bound to show up, the crew began the return trip back to theGhost. Instead, he along with Kanan and Chopper were assigned to escort Sabine to the Academy and to evacuate her and the cadets when necessary. However, the Grand Admiral stunned him first. Fortunately, Sabine triumphed without aid, and Saxon was killed by Ursa when he attempted to shoot Sabine in the back. When Hera had to be hospitalized, Ezra did his best to comfort Sabine when she started blaming herself for their friend's injuries and vowed to seek justice against the Protectors. What happens when you have a padawan attracted to danger and power and one dominant sith lord.Or what happened during chapter 9 of Shadow Eminence. Preparing for a rescue mission, Ezra prevented the Fyrocks from getting on the ship by holding them back for Hera and Sabine but was largely outnumbered. Find out in Taken. Ezra and Kanan stormed the com station with their lightsabers and blasters and managed to stun the station crew. However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. Piloting the walker, Ezra claimed that he was a reinforcement that had been sent to aid the AT-ATs. Imperials started rumors of her survival and used it as a ruse to lure active surviving Jedi to their deaths. He knows he can't outlast a black hole, but he wants this moment to last as long as he can make it. When confronted by his comrades, Ezra explained that the Purrgil were connected to the gas, so blowing it up would only hurt them. While Ezra and Zeb exchanged fire with the Sentry Droids, Hondo and Azmorigan took the opportunity to flee back to the Ghost on their treasure chests. The Jedi can die." When the third Dismantler Droid attacked Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb, Rex went back to rescue them. Together, Kanan and his master traveled to rendezvous with Maul. Vizago showed Ezra the kind of droids the Empire kept information in. This message's existence can only mean that the Sith won. Forcing himself to finish waking up, Ezra sits up and looks around, spotting Sabine in the bed next to his. Since Rau had taken his lightsaber, he was unable to fight back. After Imperial reinforcements arrived from inside the prison, Ezra ordered his team to jump onto the Ghost's hull while it flew under the platform, allowing the group to escape the planet. Find Sabine Leaves Ezra On A Mission On Purpose And Tells The Crew That He Was Dead. Once safely aboard the Ghost, Ezra and Zeb met with Hera in the cockpit. They tried to steal some, but both got caught and made a run for it. Ezra then thanked Kanan for saving him, to which his master told him that he would always come back, reconciling their relationship. He watched a Holocron recording of Anakin Skywalker giving lightsaber instruction to hone his own saber training in Form IV. Megan Crouse March 3, 2018 Since the ship could not land, grappling guns were used to fire magnetic cables onto the ship's hull. Noticing the Sith holocron had activated, Ezra took it out of the Imperial cadet helmet he was hiding it in and held it in his hand. Ezra protested when Saw began rummaging through Klik-Klak's home. Ezra's walker was attacked by the two AT-ATs, which proceeded to open fire on it. I do not own Star Wars Rebels!!! But what happens if Ezra and Sabine are alone? Error 404 73 parts Ongoing Mature What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? BTW I do not own Star Wars. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. The boy immediately participated in the ritual designed by Chava to guide her and Gron to their world but noticed Zeb remaining distant as if he did not want any part of it. Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars universe. He does apparently kill some troopers while he and his team are escaping, but only because it was unavoidable. Made to Watch - ADGAEA - Star Wars: Rebels [Archive of Our Own] Now with his species supposedly wiped clean from the galaxy, Ezra has to hide his extra body parts from everyone, including his own crew which he trusts with his life.But with the Empire hot on the crews trail will Ezra be able to keep h OLD STORY
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