Non-contact physical behavior can also contribute to the creation of emotional misconduct. In the letter, players demanded that the NWSL adopt policies to protect players, including by requiring clear reporting channels for complaints as well as procedures for thorough and impartial investigations. 124 The League is also part of a soccer ecosystem in which mistreatment of players is endemic one which affects not only the NWSL, but other professional leagues, both domestic and abroad, the report says. On another occasion, after the detention of WNBA player Brittney Griner and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Clarkson approved conveying to a player's agent a contract offer from a Russian club, without acknowledging or showing sensitivity to the risks that would accompany playing in Russia. Institutions meant to investigate and address misconduct failed to do so effectively. The League is also part of a soccer ecosystem in which mistreatment of players is endemic-one which affects not only the NWSL, but other professional leagues, both domestic and abroad. Simon said she moved away from Holly when he touched her and told him he was "insane." According to the staff member, Predmore said the Benstiti weight-shaming issue was a cultural thing and that he "worked on it." Ratings: Fofana 8/10 as Chelsea pick up first league win in six, Ten Hag must learn from Mourinho to ensure Man United's Carabao Cup win is just the start, Raul and Valverde are keeping Madrid prodigy Alvaro's feet on the ground, Man United must make every penny count to beat FFP and continue recovery, LIVE Transfer Talk: Bayern still keen on Kane despite new Choupo-Moting contract. Many players bravely recounted painful and personal experiences before and during this investigation in service of truth, accountability, and reform. Enhance Reporting and Investigation Procedures. Simon said there were certain questions she needed answered before she felt comfortable allowing Starr to give the club her name, like how the club would protect Simon. 1. Nearly every player who spoke to U.S. Soccer's investigator said that Dames targeted certain players, criticizing them more often and with more severity than others. Alyse LaHue, former vice president and general manager of NJ/NY Gotham FC (formerly Sky Blue FC), allegedly made unwanted sexual advances towards a player according to the joint investigative report released by the National Women's Soccer League and the NWSL Players Association on Wednesday. In addition, despite recent messages of empowerment from the League and clubs, gender norms and biases led many players to believe that their needs and concerns were not worthy of attention. A source familiar with the situation at Gotham explained to The Equalizer that in early 2022 the team brought in an HR consultant and has recently brought in an HR Executive as an additional resource for the team. In particular, the Joint Investigative Team did not receive a copy of Dames's separation agreement from the Red Stars until the end of this investigation, after the publication of the USSF Report. This misconduct included sexual misconduct, inappropriate relationships with players, the blurring of professional boundaries, racially insensitive remarks, inappropriate statements about players' weight and body types and other forms of emotional misconduct, and retaliation for reporting misconduct. Players and staff at Sky Blue and Racing Louisville credibly reported that Holly was verbally abusive and emotionally volatile. Players, including Kaiya McCullough, recounted in that article that Burke berated, screamed at, and targeted players, and that he had used racially insensitive language. In November 2021, the league established an additional temporary protocol mandating all coaches, general managers, and president hires be approved by the league and complete a New Hire Certification, including background checks. Strengthen Anti-Harassment Policies .. Lydia Wahlke (U.S. Soccer, Chief Legal Officer, 2017-2020) Kurtz reported that Riley shared details of his sex life and asked her probing questions about her relationship. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy prohibits a range of misconduct. Falling between these two approaches, one club consulted with owners at the coach's former club and U.S. Soccer staff during the hiring process, but not with the coach's former players. Throughout an investigation into allegations of misconduct and once an investigation concludes, NWSL personnel responsible for investigating should be advised to follow up with individuals who made complaints and other individuals who participated in any investigation into alleged misconduct to ensure they are not experiencing retaliation for their participation in the investigation, including through informal conversations or other channels. Background checks and reputational vetting of player-facing club employees were not mandatory for much of the NWSL's existence. . 86, attempt to address the issue themselves by confronting the employee engaged in misconduct, which could prevent the NWSL from investigating the offensive behavior and taking necessary corrective action. As noted above, Riley called Mana Shim "hot" and "sexy." It's across the sport. Despite having this information, Duffy did not express any concerns about Riley to the Courage, Riley's employer at the time. One-on-one or small group socializing for non-soccer purposes between players and individuals with supervisory authority may blur the boundaries between professional and personal relationships, present concerns of improper favoritism, or leave certain players feeling isolated or excluded. Recommendations.. Coaches' behavior may cross the line into emotional misconduct when their criticisms are divorced from performance-related or corrective language, including by using insults or derogatory language to criticize players, attacking characteristics of players that are unrelated to their professional performance, or threatening players' careers. The Thorns's policy similarly stated that remedial action will be taken "if the company determines that unlawful harassment has occurred, and it lists examples of "[p]rohibited unlawful harassment." In addition to their many concerns about Dames, players told U.S. Soccer's investigator they felt the club's owner, Arnim Whisler, was insensitive and unresponsive to their concerns about Dames." Since 2021, the League has taken some steps to rectify this issue. A third player felt that Whisler knew "Dames [had] a 'dark side," but that Whisler "believe[d] 'that's what [made] him a great coach."" Moreover, NWSL staff reviewing player survey results-when they were reviewed-were not trained or provided any guidance on how to analyze player survey results for statements indicating misconduct and were not instructed to elevate any potential misconduct to NWSL HR or the NWSL General Counsel. However, according to the report, three players had "provide[d] specific examples" of this behavior. History of Professional Women's Soccer in the United States Like any league or business in its infant stages, we learn from experience and mistakes. One player reported that club staff observed Burke's mistreatment of players but did nothing, reinforcing players' view that raising concerns about Burke would be futile. This included withholding documents and other information, for the better part of a year, related to an investigation U.S. Soccer conducted into reports of misconduct by Rory Dames. After a player filed a complaint about the speech with Predmore and with the League, the club asked Benstiti to resign. B. Coupled with the fact that Clarkson served as both head coach and general manager, this perceived close relationship led players to feel like they had no avenues to report their concerns and that no one was monitoring Clarkson's conduct to ensure that it was appropriate. Historically, clubs have not always conducted background checks on coaches and other club staff before hiring them. One player said that "everything" players told Pearce Rampone "went back to" Holly. The Joint Investigative Team found no support for this conclusion, and the Thorns continue to assert attorney-client privilege over the advice they claim they received on this point. "Inattentiveness, neglect, and concealment allow misconduct to fester," the report's conclusion reads. During the lengthy investigation, players were given insufficient opportunity to speak to the investigator, and the investigator did not speak to any club staff members other than Dames. He was also a prominent owner and operator of youth soccer programs in New York. Harrington was found to have. In December 2013, Whisler emailed Cheryl Bailey that he had "sat with [a player] and addressed" her concerns about Dames; he then speculated, "Whatever the [player's] story is now it is window dressing likely because she wants more money." During her interview-which was two hours long (more than twice as long as any other interview conducted at the time)Shim recounted the instances she had described in her complaint. This is inconsistent with the final USSF Dames Report issued in September 2019, which stated that Dames was still "unpredictable," and that he was continuing to target specific players "for constant criticism" and yelling excessively. VI. One former player recalled that her college goalkeeper coach and assistant coach were both married to former players. Christy Holly's Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Dames's explanation relied on his communications with another staff member, but the investigator did not attempt to speak to this staff member or otherwise corroborate Dames's explanation. Following the revelations of Riley's sexual misconduct on Sept. 30, 2021, the NWSL and the NWSLPA separately sought to conduct investigations. The report included: (i) descriptions of those interviewed; (ii) details about players' concerns, as well as Dames's and Whisler's responses to those concerns; (iii) a summary of the law firm's factual findings; and (iv) a conclusion. NWSL staff began reviewing and compiling the results of 2020 player surveys, but they did not complete a comprehensive review of the responses. In some instances, close relationships between coaching staff and club management led players to feel they could not report concerns about coaches to management or vice versa. Players were aware not only of the NWSL's uncertain future, but also of the precariousness of their own individual futures within the NWSL. It further stated that the club's executive team and Holly each agreed not to make any written or verbal communication in any form . Both players and club staff reported being unsure what conduct violates the Anti-Harassment Policy and what is required under that policy. A. 56, conduct, LaHue persisted. During the spring of 2021, the 2015 complaints against Riley resurfaced. No further information was made public until October 2022. According to an outline prepared by players before the meeting, their concerns included comments made during training, like I'm going to ream her ass," and "you are a pain in my ass," demeaning players' abilities, and telling players, "I do this [drill] with my 12 year-olds" and "I do this with my U14s," which players felt did not afford them respect as professionals. She did not recall any concerns about Williams's treatment of players being raised at the August 2021 meeting, instead recalling that players shared concerns about the level of training and the team's poor performance. In certain instances, the Joint Investigative Team determined that conduct did not violate the Anti-Harassment Policy or other relevant standards. The NWSL should consider providing resources to support players and staff working to advance the interests of diverse and marginalized groups. When Baird asked Levine if they should meet with Farrelly, Levine replied that they should email Farrelly first. Two players recalled an instance when Harrington, former head coach for the Utah Royals and assistant coach for the Red Stars, went out drinking with players after a game and noted that Harrington had drank to excess. Gotham's policy contained a provision stating that [e]mployees who witness offensive behavior in the workplace-whether directed at them or another employee-are encouraged, though not required, to immediately address it with the employee whose behavior they found offensive." The League should request mutual cooperation and informationsharing from U.S. Soccer and other organizations to ensure the League is made aware of findings of misconduct concerning candidates seeking employment in the NWSL. In one instance, Clarkson suspected that players had been drinking alcohol the night before a game, so he convened the players and reprimanded them in a manner that left multiple players feeling scared and attacked. The History and Culture of the League and its Member Clubs Discouraged Reporting of Potential Misconduct.. In 2022, it was updated to prohibit discrimination and retaliation more explicitly. He said that he did not believe Kurtz was saying that she could not play for Riley, and did not believe that Kurtz was upset or emotional during the call. F. Multiple players at the Pride experienced anxiety attacks due in part to a stressful working environment. NWSL joint investigation reveals details on Alyse LaHue's departure Rather than removing Dames, reprimanding him, or initiating an investigation into players' allegations of abuse, Whisler continually defended Dames and expressed suspicion about players' motives for raising concerns. Prioritize DEI Initiatives to Create a More Inclusive Environment for All Players and Staff Gotham FC,. In his interview by the Joint Investigative Team, Clarkson acknowledged having this meeting with players, but reported that he did not single out or attack any players. This is too much. We interview the founders, investors, technologists, and early stage employees who are part of today's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Paulson told the Joint Investigative Team that Riley denied the allegations against him in 2015 and never apologized, though Paulson recalled that Riley had made a comment that he had been isolated from his wife and should not have gotten drunk. When the Thorns received Shim's complaint in 2015, the club conducted an investigation that was too narrowly scoped, that was not conducted in a trauma-informed manner, and that lacked follow-up on indicia of additional sexual misconduct towards Sinead Farrelly or on comments by Riley regarding players' sexual orientation. During the 2022 preseason, the Dash traveled to Mexico City for preseason games against the Mexican club Pumas. They stated that they had difficulty convincing the Board of Governors to act. Instead of addressing players' concerns, Whisler repeatedly downplayed them and protected Dames throughout his tenure. In April 2021, the NWSL adopted its first such policy, called the AntiHarassment Policy for a Safe Work Environment (the "2021 Anti-Harassment Policy"). 42, Wahlke. After re-signing her in 2021, the club issued a public apology "to all those we have hurt, especially those within the LGBTQIA+ community, but stood by its decision, keeping Daniels on the team for the remainder of the season. #11, hear from Alyse LaHue, the General Manager of NJ/NY Gotham FC of the NWSL. 7. But at the same time, Wahlke was having internal discussions about Riley's prior misconduct. She said that Dames knew of her plans, and when he saw her leave the hotel to visit her boyfriend, he texted her to schedule a meeting for 15 minutes later. Contrary to the assertion that the allegations were largely unsupported by specific examples," the report's own findings included multiple examples of the ways in which players felt Dames did not maintain professional boundaries. Spain shared Gorden's. The same player recalled that Dames would discuss another player's boyfriend frequently in the locker room and would make it known that he hated the boyfriend. The NWSL should confirm that each club has designated such individuals and that those individuals are aware of their obligation to report any complaints or reports of violations of the Anti-Harassment Policy to the NWSL HR Office or the NWSL General Counsel within 24 hours of receiving the report. In this video I discussing the details surrounding why former head coach and manager, Alyse LaHue, was fired from Gotham FC.SourceNWSL/NWSLPA Joint Investiga. When Holly was let go-not for his mistreatment of players but for a reported relationship with a player-Sky Blue publicly framed Holly's departure as a mutual agreement, did not acknowledge Holly's misconduct, and expressed gratitude towards him. The NWSL began planning for a 2021 anti-harassment training, but the training did not happen before the crises that emerged in the fall of 2021. d) Lack of Transparency with the Courage Regarding Riley An initial complaint against Clarkson was filed in December 2021, and the joint investigators leading Wednesday's report spoke with seven current and former players who described the coach as "volatile, verbally abusive, and not showing appropriate regard for players' wellbeing." Former Utah Royals head coach Craig Harrington and former Gotham GM Alyse LaHue drew two-year bans, with further conditions on subsequent NWSL employment. Six years later, at the age of 31, LaHue is the general manager of the Red Stars, a team whose roster includes Olympians from Mexico, Canada, and last summer's gold medal-winning US team. In 2020, the NWSL investigated Dell Loy Hansen, then-owner of the Royals, for making racially offensive comments. During this conversation, he asked Holly, "How would you like to handle that?" For instance, two players told the investigator they had left the Red Stars in part because of Dames's abuse. The 2021 AntiHarassment Policy primarily focused on maintaining a safe environment free of harassment. To the player, the undertone of the response-and of the owner's consistent approach to such requests over the years-was clear: "Why are you not grateful for what I'm providing? The player recalled thinking, I can be grateful and still ask for progress." She told investigators she recognized Riley "had been 'grooming' her for sexual abuse" after reading The Athletic's initial story on his abuse. Shim later recalled that during the interview, Garcia appeared focused on whether Riley had engaged in unlawful harassment, and Garcia expressed that Shim did not have a legal claim because she was not able to provide corroborating evidence. Williams, who was not at the meeting, reported being told by the Longs and a staff member that players were not happy because the team was not doing well. When he was not yelling, players felt that Dames was emotionally manipulative" and would use information he knew about them against them. When U.S. Soccer Chief Legal Officer Lydia Wahlke learned that Levine had told Whisler about the complaint, she expressed concern, noting that "it could put [Whisler] in the position of unwittingly creating a retaliation claim if he acts on it or communicates it to any third party (and worse, to the responding party)." As a result, the Joint Investigative Team was not able to fully question LaHue about her interactions with the player. As described above, Nikki Stanton recalled that Dames said she was not playing well because of her girlfriend at the time. These examples are illustrative and non-exhaustive; the policy makes clear that harassment can also include physical, visual, and written conduct, such as circulating or posting written materials that show hostility toward an individual because of their protected status, including derogatory cartoons, drawings, websites, emails, text messages, gifs, or memes. One player for the Dash noted that the HR representative primarily worked for the MLS team and was unfamiliar with the reporting channels for the women's team. 118 Maybe. Conclusion Additionally, Riley would talk frequently about sex around Shim, would call Shim "hot" and "sexy," and would tell her he was "turned on." On July 2, 2021, OL Reign announced, Farid Benstiti has resigned his position as head coach of the club with immediate effect. One player told the Joint Investigative Team that they felt Benstiti should have been fired and there should have been a private apology from the club to the players and a commitment to do right by the players. At the same time, certain behaviors that have been normalized as "tough" coaching, such as screaming in players' faces, are slowly but increasingly recognized as inappropriate and abusive. A player also recounted hearing that around this time, Wilkinson asked Shim's agent at the time to meet in Portland. Clarkson denied ever raising his voice at players or losing control of his emotions, notwithstanding credible evidence to the contrary. I didn't accept it." 3. However, the joint investigative team indicated in the report that based on the totality of the evidence, misconduct did occur, notwithstanding these discrepancies, which are not described in any detail. Two people used the phrase Jekyll and Hyde" to describe Holly. While the report singles out individuals and clubs for alleged misconduct or mishandling of situations, investigators chose to make recommendations that are "forward-looking, systemic in nature; rather than recommending discipline as to specific individuals or entities." They may need to navigate conversations about how players' fitness or injury recovery impact performance. In response to her request, Courage Assistant General Manager Bobby Hammond conveyed to Kurtz or her agent that the club was unable to find a trade for her, but that it could increase her salary by a "few thousand dollars." [C]lub staff in positions of power made inappropriate sexual remarks to players, mocked players bodies, pressured players to lose unhealthy amounts of weight, crossed professional boundaries with players, and created volatile and manipulative working conditions, it says. C. He remained with the Flash until the club was sold in 2017. In December 2021, the Joint Investigative Team received a complaint about Clarkson and began an investigation. Whisler also wrote, "The senior [US]WNT players absolutely want this league to shut down so they don't have as much competition for their spots and so they can make more money overseas." Baird then-again based on a response Levine had drafted-responded to Farrelly with an email similar to the one she had sent Shim, stating that the initial complaint in 2015 had been investigated to conclusion" and that she could not "share any additional details." The NWSL announced that Cromwell's and Greene's employment contracts were terminated effective immediately and that they were ineligible for future employment in the NWSL unless approved by the Commissioner. At Sky Blue, a former chief financial officer handled the club's budgeting, sponsorships, payroll, and merchandising in addition to the club's HR. Dames yelled at players, targeted certain players for harsh treatment, made personal insults, and blurred personal and professional boundaries with players. In the USSF Dames Report, a player described Dames calling a player trailer trash and insulting her educational background when she made a mistake. Oversight Committee Composition and Operation. Paulson also said he had heard that Shim did not want Riley's termination made public, though there is no evidence that Garcia or anyone else on the Thorns asked Shim for her preference, and Shim told the Joint Investigative Team that she did not recall making any such statement. A report detailing the results of the year-long investigation was published Wednesday, a little over two . Provide Mandatory Annual Anti-Harassment Training This may require removing some questions that were included in prior player surveys that could be used to identify responding players, including questions about previous teams, pay, and nationality. If not, you can sign up below. According to one player, this staff member began dating the player mid-season. When asked whether she thought Whisler's close relationship with Dames led to players' unwillingness to report Dames's behavior, the staff member said she did think "there came a point where players felt, '[W]hy are we even raising issues to [Whisler]? The report, however, acknowledges that "a majority of players expressed the view that Clarkson's treatment of players did not rise to the level of abuse or misconduct. On the Monday night before the game, four Dash players had dinner at a Pumas player's apartment and returned to their hotel around midnight. Lisa Levine (U.S. Soccer, General Counsel, 2009-2017; NWSL, General Counsel, 2017-2021) 122, The NWSL should consider requiring that the club explain the reasons for any planned player transaction or staff termination during this timeframe, and the NWSL should ask followup questions and investigate further if it suspects retaliation was a motivating factor behind any of the planned player transactions or staff terminations. In some cases, even where clubs did have HR personnel, the clubs did not adequately inform players about the reporting channels available to them, leaving players under the impression that there were no HR personnel to whom they could report issues at the club. Players sometimes reported misconduct through player surveys conducted by the NWSL, even though the surveys were not specifically intended to capture this information. Continue Efforts to Improve and Increase Access to Reporting Channels Across All Clubs One player compiled other players' accounts of Benstiti's speech into a formal complaint, which reported that Benstiti said, "If I see you [eat] snacks, I will kill you; told players he would be monitoring their food and snacks; and "specifically brought up Lindsey Horan and said, 'I don't care, I will do the same thing and I don't care if it's in the paper."" Hammond denied ever speaking to Riley about this request and denied that Riley told him that Kurtz could not be traded. Kansas City Current While the investigation into Clarkson was ongoing, players submitted an additional formal complaint and again reached out to the Joint Investigative Team to raise both related and additional concerns about Clarkson's treatment of players, expressing fear that Clarkson would retaliate against them if he learned they had raised complaints.
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