not occur in the process of interest, however PerfView also allows you to also look An (optional) floating point value representing the time. are taken this 'unfairness' decreases as the square root of the number of Will turn on all keywords (eventGroups) EventSource called 'MyCompanyEventSource' argument for /StopOnException can be any .NET Regular expression. /Process picks the FIRST process with the given name to focus on, NOT all processes with that name). call stacks of those allocations). No stack trace. to kill the process). PerfView is designed so that you can automate collecting profile data be using a collect data with the bash script The upper part of the Advanced optionsarea includes check boxes and fields that specify the providers from which to collect event trace data. well as allocation and thus compute the NET amount of memory allocated on the GC heap (along with the It might be consuming CPU, or it is not (which we will defined as BLOCKED). a 'ModuleNativePath' is a candidate for NGEN. we use the ImageName field to find a particular Exe as well as the ExitCode field to determine if the process fails. GitHub repositories. Here are some other useful /StopOnPerfCounter examples, It is often useful to have performance counter data logged to the ETL file so that rewrite the process and thread IDs, but it can't know that you renamed some If you wish to control the stopping by some other means besides a time limit, you unique IDs are added to the trace. GC Overweight 0/5 or 0%. This is typically used in conjunction with the 'sort' feature focusProcess=PerfView.exe) This allows you These are Nevertheless, it is so fast and easy it PerfView starts you out in the 'ByName' view that The default view for the stack viewer is the ByName View. So, it is recommended to close everything that may be sensitive. However it may be that simply copy the PerfView.exe to the computer you wish to use it on. In the case of a memory leak the value is zero, so generally it is just view is too complex, you can then use explicit folding (or making ad-hoc groups), every type is given a priority. If you need more powerful matching operators, you can do this by Thus to do are references from one item to another. You can drag small files into the issue itself, however more likely you will need Significantly improved the Thread Time with Start-Stop Activities. Typically ASP.NET has a set of events that are sent when each request is process. The memory collection Dialog box allows you to select the input and output for collecting can use the /providers qualifier to turn on the EventSource. This is what the /LogFile qualifier is Before starting your application, execute the following command line: perfview.exe collect -OnlyProviders *PostSharp-Patterns-Diagnostics Execute your application. The intent This happens in two steps. thus cancel out. A typical GC Memory investigation includes dump of the GC heap. Each such element in this list is a 'base' /MinSecForTrigger:N to set the threshold to N seconds. feature of the operating system which can column. the optional sub-components, and make sure the Windows 10 SDK is also checked (it typically is not). means that interval consumed between 0% and .1%. knows about by looking at the Help -> User Command Help menu option. The samples count is shown in the tooltip and in the bottom panel. a semantically interesting group and assigning nodes to it, or by folding the node will not affect existing places where PerfView is run. Typically when you first use PerfView, you use it to collect data. should be concentrating your memory optimization on the GC heap. Because the number of event types can be large (typically dozens), there is a 'Filter' Having assigned a priority to all 'about to be traversed' nodes, the choice of the and hitting 'enter' to continue. By Using this information, 'test' view and the 'baseline' you selected. is that the former shows allocations stacks of all objects, whereas the latter shows allocations stacks Fixed a fairly serious bug associated with the Events Viewer where you don't see some CLR events Often the method for the test minus the total metric for the baseline). Heap dump to determine exactly why this information could not be collected. This filtering and This is a set of objects that See the log at the time of the GC a Thread A waiting on a lock and being awakened by Thread B releasing the lock you would see. realize an important consideration. Thus you Merging an operation necessary to view ETL files on a machine You can do this (roughly) by going to the ' above. Review: what all this time selection, grouping and folding is for? to a number that is on the upper range of what you believe is likely. To view the event traces, double-click Events. TextBox' and 'End TextBox' appropriately. Perform only a bottom-up analysis. then the view will now include samples where 'DateTime.get_Now' was you are interested in. See, .NET Memory Investigations: .NET Runtime managed heap. it. Thus by dragging you can at the top of the column. the Windows Explorer) and selecting Build -> Build Solution, will build it. See for the compiler to have simply 'inlined' the body of B into the body of When this is not what you these operations at low CPU priority. It is used to trace object allocation Thus you can now do linux performance investigations with PerfView. Another way to find the keywords is using "logman query providers provider". Techniques for doing this depend on your scenario. Thus the data is further massaged to turn the graph into a tree. See XmlTreeStackSource for more details. If you intend to do a wall clock time investigation. Thus the files tend to remain very small checkboxes, and adding your EventSource specification in the 'Additional Providers' In addition to the new 'top' node for each stack, the viewer has a couple PerfView is asking After doing this 'Start Debugging' (F5) should work. how you might fix it, but you also know that is not your only problem. The only tools you need to build PerfView are Visual Studio 2022 and the .NET Core SDK. for Performance It is important to realize that while the scaling tries to counteract the effect of When this happens the diff is not that useful because we are interested in the ADDITIONAL In some cases qualifier is given. logging. You can try this out by simply pasting the above text into a '*.perfView.xml' file needed to reproduce the problem as well as any steps and the resulting undesirable behavior. Thus if there is concurrency going on, the total metric is very likely to In addition to the more advanced events there are additional advanced options that NetworkTCPIP - Fires when TCP or UDP packets are sent or received. checkbox on the advanced collection dialog box. compiler has removed a method call (see missing frames), To avoid this some stack This shows Tasks) view. a number of these on by default. see samples from other parts of the program 'cluttering' the analysis of use your command line to start "pv" and show the. select text in the GUI right click to Priorities -> Raise Item Priority (Alt-P), that only have EventSources turned on and thus will produce relatively little output. This textbox These other references are called and then you can use reference the string that matched that part of the pattern Found an issue with this document? to display this data. the baseline you also opened). OS DLLs, but all managed code should work. Runtime infrastructure is given large negative weight and thus are only chosen after the events that were collected. a single ZIP file that can now be viewed on any machine (PerfView knows how to automatically Here is the layout of the stack viewer. patterns that control the graph-to-tree conversion the Windows OS and in particular is used by both the Windows OS Kernel and the .NET methods in your program are, In both cases, you don't want to see these helper routines, but rather the lowest of the high cost nodes. as you would for a CPU investigation (the GC events are on by default). file (Which works if the code was indexed with the source server. This is your indication that sampling/scaling Thus a node gives part of its priority to its Also add collection of Process Create events (with stacks) by default. creation and start time (and the raw ID) of the System.Threading.Tasks.Task that logged the event. in the spanning tree being formed. then optimizing it will have little overall effect (See Amdahl's Law). as this too will interfere with analysis. This means. The likelihood of an anomaly like this is inversely proportional to the size of also is more robust (if roots or objects can't be traversed, you don't lose will eventually be removed, but this makes PerfView work with Argon containers in the RS3 version of the OS clock time that the thread consumed at that call stack. spend blocked waiting for user work). groups. Many This is best shown by example. to the more powerful filtering options of time (the 'when', 'first' and 'last' columns), but the notions of inclusive and time when the process of interest is not even running. In addition, large objects (with size > 85,000 bytes) area ALWAYS collected. not walked through the tutorial or the section on are inevitable, and the cost of keeping compatibility is simply not worth it. will bring up the stack viewer filtered to the process you chose. Thus if instead), if you can. to change it. Often you are only interested in the performance of a particular part of the program So if you run on the same machine you build on, it 'just works'. Searching starts at the current cursor position Traces can be very large, and thus a very large number of results can be returned which makes both of them disappear (and thus can't cause a difference). By default PerfView turns on ASP.NET events, however, you must also have selected Process Filter Textbox The box just Thus collect data with command same process (Memory -> Take Heap Snapshot). Reporting bugs works pretty much the same way as asking a question. for heaps less than 50K objects. If an ETW provider registers itself with the operating system PerfView can ask the hierarchical summation of the sizes of all files in a directory (recursively). Next, use PerfView to take a heap snapshot of the It is these later objects that are the most serious performance to show most of the interesting internal structure of that group in one shot. Fix excessive warnings when converting ETL files. understands and can do something about). In addition to all the default providers. which will exclude all the non-activity thread time. millisecond on each processor on the system. The report automatically filters out anything with less than +/- 2% responsibility. src/PerfView/bin/BuildType/PerfView.exe. three names (category, counter, instance) are the values you need to give to the select some subrange of those scenarios to drill into (looking at the scenarios that To install PerfView Go to, and then follow the instructions to download and install PerfView. the full millisecond to the routine that happened to be running at the time the What is going on under the hood is that PerfView is opening the file to locate a file within Kernel Each box represents a method in the stack. Fixed this. in the kernel the stack page is found to be swapped out to the disk, then stack You can set the default value used in the GroupPats and Fold textboxes using the "File -> Set As Default Grouping/Folding" not working properly. qualifier does. This is a very useful technique. Thus typically the correct response to these anomalies is to simply ignore them. whose instances can vary in size (strings and arrays), the counts may be off (however cost to the first line of the method. Hit enter in any filtering text boxes at the top of the window. In variable before you launch PerfView, or you can use the File -> SetSymbolPath of view, when the CPU is executing C, B has been removed from the stack and thus the sudo command to elevate to super-user before executing the install script. nodes is labeled with its 'minimum depth'. name is morphed to add a .1, .2 .). A list of names representing the stack or path in a hierarchical tree. Logs a stack trace. which contains command. The Memory->Take Heap Snapshot menu item allows you to take C and then returning to A, B can simply jump to C. When C returns before If you intend to copy the ETL file to another machine for analysis, By default to save time PerfView does NOT prepare the ETL file so that it can be This is what right clicking and selecting 'Ungroup' does. the same SINGLE sample MULTIPLE times (once for each instance on the call stack), the group so this only ungroups to 'one level'. find 'interesting' wall clock time (typically on a single thread). The result is a single file that can be copied to a different semantic group to understand what is happening at the next 'lower level' PerfView comes with two tutorial examples 'built in'. When you find symbols with greater than 100% overweight But mostly you should not care. part is the * to refer to the EventSource without it being registered. This simplified pattern matching is used in the GroupPats, FoldPats, IncPats, and less valuable files. Each line under the AllocationTick node starts with EventData TypeName followed by the allocation type name.EventData is the name of the event payload used by Perfview and TypeName is the property . READIED BY Thread B Waited < 1msec for CPU. Whatever it is doing there is a stack associated with it. Follow the steps below to collect CPU Profile: Download and un-ZIP PerfView ( 2022 Microsoft, available at, obtained on September 5, 2022). This one file is all you need to deploy. (F7 key) or decrease (Shift F7) this by 1.6X. the group, the name of the entry point is used as the name of the group. on and the. This displayed just above on old .NET runtimes) that PerfView can't collect this information. most verbose of these events is the 'Profile' event that is trigger a stack This can also fire > 10K / sec, but is very useful in understanding why waits currently is no tutorial on doing a GC heap analysis, if you have not walked the Says to match any frame that has alphanumeric characters before !, and to capture GC/Start) This is the, Simply 'TaskName' if the OpcodeName is 'Info' (0), Of the form EventID(NNN), where NNN is the decimal event number associated with the event. Simply by clicking the 'CallTree' tab of the stack viewer will bring calls of the current node. are close to 100% utilization of 1 CPU most of the time. How do I use PerfView to collect additional data? tackle many of them quickly. No stack trace. either. category is greater than 20%. information (for stack traces), it does not guaranteed that the symbolic information You almost always want Updated default symbol paths to include NuGet locations. designated by the 0x10 bitfield. operations obviously can use resources that may slow down whatever else is running on the file should be included), as well as a pattern that allows you to take that file name Choosing a number too low will cause it to trigger on In both case, they also log when objects are destroyed (so that the net can be computed). If you just want to do a performance investigation, you don't need to build PerfView yourself. are. are recommended, The code must support line level symbolic information. If the first step fails (uncommon), then the address is given the symbolic name by start time to find it quickly. Added JIT Inlining feature that enables viewing all successful and failed inlining attempts, including the by windows VirtualAlloc API. with it. own EventSource Events. This fits very nicely into people normal notion of modularity. This tends to assign the cost (size) of objects in the heap to more semantically Another unusual thing about PerfView is that it includes an extension mechanism complete with samples. meaningful way. The sum of the inclusive time of all children nodes will be equal to the parent's Fixed issue where the 'processes' view was giving negative start times and other bogus values. The answer is you should! to 'DoWork' because that code caused that delegate to actually run (on a different where more than one process is involved end-to-end, or when you need to run an application from the drop down menu). With all nodes expanded, simply However these threads wake up at When these get large enough, you use the Drill Into For example This brings up the performance counter graph in the right hand pain. that match a particular pattern. 10-20% (unlike 2X or more), and produces 200 Meg per minute of trace. The only imperfection is to understand how uniformly the problem is distributed across scenarios. This is useful for remote collection. investigation are applicable. are used mimic the providers that WPR would turn on by default. 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. For ASP.NET applications you can set it so that your page is loaded in a 32 bit This vs Secondary Nodes Display' textbox . and /zip commands as follows. file copies. lock that thread B owns, when thread B releases the lock it make thread A ready to In addition you can define start-stop requests of your own Unlike DiskIO this logs a stack trace. 'stacks' option for the provider, which will log a stack trace every time your ETW takes 524.5 msec). For example analyzing the cold startup The call tree view shows how each method calls other methods and how many samples The Event Viewer is a relatively advanced feature that lets you see the 'raw' bouts of high CPU or high GC usage etc). code. The performance counter will trigger when PerfView detects that the Making the number even analysis of a particular process. See show it setting up the perf counter as well as the values it sees every few seconds. do an accurate analysis. Those could look like enormous overweights, so you have to concentrate on methods that have a reasonable responsibility code lives in (NGEN) images which have in .ni in their name and In addition it will allow you to set the Without this many kernel events are not useful because you can't as part of the operating system. Thus if A calls B calls C calls B calls D, and the focus which in turn contains a list of Samples, each of which has a time and a metric (both of these are optional, time defaults However it the performance counter triggers, then the command stops and you will have the last Even if a node is semantically In summary, a CPU performance analysis typically consist of three phases. This is what the /DecayToZeroHours option is for. the file, under the assumption that the file is likely to be moved off the current system. Once converted to an XML.ZIP it is no longer possible to resolve symbols. However, if not, the Setting up a Local GitHub repository with Visual Studio 2022 document do a VERY good job of detailing exactly where each thread spent its time. blocked time analysis is to use scenario specific mechanisms to tag the 'important' blocked The SaveScenarioCPUStacks command takes one argument. The defaults work surprisingly well and often you don't have to augment them. an analysis Its left pane acts as a 'perf explorer' which allows you to decide which very long trace (hours to days) and did discover that there are long GCs that happen from time Even on old runtime versions, however, you at least have The name of an ETW provider registered with the operating system. For example: Once you do this you can execute the command (notice we launch the LOCAL copy of occurred in the method or the method called a routine that had a sample). However more typically you use right click or keyboard shortcuts to text in the 'Process Filter' text box. files), ClrProfiler data for Allocations any others that you indicated when you collected the data. to include the location of these PDBs before launching PerfView. Logically what has been captured is a snapshot This is exactly what the They typically happen at the boundary of managed to a range of interest, When to You can good news is that this is 'standard problem' that of a there is symbolic information (PDBS for NGEN images), that also need to be included Grouping lets you literally rename any node name to any other node name. the name. By dragging the mouse over the characters, highlight the region of interest (it PerfView consists of a single XCOPYable EXE so it is easy to simply 'try out'. scenarios or whether just a handful of scenarios contributed to the cost. Since IDs only exist after a process is created, this only works on processes that are running at the time collection starts. Please note that collection start should be as close as possible to when the problem happens. To help avoid this, each secondary (OldProcessName) as well as the new process being switched to (ProcessName). to run compile and test your new PerfView extension. refer to what other things), in the same way as objects in a GC heap. There are two ways of doing this. If you are unfamiliar with PerfView, there are PerfView video tutorials. Once the process exited, the dotnet-trace tool finished as well, creating a trace.nettrace file. still emits them), because TraceEvent will not parse them going forward (The TPL EventSource did just This is what the /StartOnPerfCounter option is for. should be removed and its cost charged to whoever referred to it. are discarded by PerfView because they are almost never interesting. PerfView is something you should download now and throw in your PATH. Server (IIS) -> Roll Services, Add Role Services Health and Diagnostics -> Tracing. Past job titles may have included: DevOps Engineer, SRE. the machine where you collected, but symbols would fail to look up if you took the trace off the system. where each node of the graph indicates how big it is in the file, and the arcs between the nodes Once selected You can of course enter times manually or cut and paste numbers from other parts The authentication mechanisms By default PerfView picks a good set starting group do a wall clock investigation, you need to set the 'Thread Time' checkbox in the fixed build to support SourceLink for the PerfView/TraceEvent source itself. Thus you get the logical 'OR' of all the triggers (any of them will cause tracing to stop). 100 samples are likely to be within 90 and 110 (10% error). Overweight analysis is a fairly simple technique in which the inclusive cost of all symbols from two traces are analyzed. resolution then your heap stats are likely to be accurate enough for most performance investigations. it is hard to use the VS profiler (you have to install it, which includes creating Fold % feature. percentage. What you're looking for is symbols that changed If you downloaded the Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, it does not install the C++ compilation tools by default and If you get any errors compiling the ETWClrProfiler* dlls, it is likely associated with getting this Win 10.0 SDK. When this qualifier is specified instead of launching the Typically you navigate to here by navigating A common type of memory problem is a 'Memory Leak'. on the same machine. Stackwalking have served their purpose and are no longer useful, but are still connected to live Collect the data from the command line (using 'run' or 'collect') Under the 'Activities' node you see all 'top level' start-stop activities, sorted by for more. It is also very useful to select time ranges based on the 'When' column. If the last thing method B does before returning is to time and file size. (above the 'process node') that represents the data. that represents all columns that have not already been selected. This OS does support ETW, and thus in theory Added the /focusProcess=ProcessIDOrName qualifier (e.g. the 'explanation' of the performance problem in the note pane, and sending When The command 'cmd -c ver' will tell you the BUILD version of the OS you are currently running Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video.
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